

单词 sight
释义 sight
 —sightable,  adj.   —sighter,  n.  
 /suyt/,  n.  
  1. the power or faculty of seeing; perception of objects by use of the eyes; vision.
  2. an act, fact, or instance of seeing.
  3. one's range of vision on some specific occasion: Land is in sight.
  4. a view; glimpse.
  5. mental perception or regard; judgment.
  6. something seen or worth seeing; spectacle: the sights of London.
  7.  Informal.   something unusual, surprising, shocking, or distressing: They were a sight after the fight.
  8.  Com.  
   a. presentation of a bill of exchange: a draft payable at two months after sight.
   b. a showing of goods, esp. gems, held periodically for wholesalers.
  9.  Older Use.   a multitude; great deal: It's a sight better to work than to starve.
  10. an observation taken with a surveying, navigating, or other instrument to ascertain an exact position or direction.
  11. any of various mechanical or optical viewing devices, as on a firearm or surveying instrument, for aiding the eye in aiming.
  12.  Obs.   skill; insight.
  13. at first sight, at the first glimpse; at once: It was love at first sight.
  14. at sight,
   a. immediately upon seeing, esp. without referring elsewhere for assurance, further information, etc.: to translate something at sight.
   b.  Com.   on presentation: a draft payable at sight.
  15. catch sight of, to get a glimpse of; espy: We caught sight of the lake below.
  16. know by sight, to recognize (a person or thing) seen previously: I know him by sight, but I know nothing about him.
  17. not by a long sight, Informal. definitely not: Is that all? Not by a long sight.
  18. on or upon sight, immediately upon seeing: to shoot him on sight; to recognize someone on sight.
  19. out of sight,
   a. beyond one's range of vision.
   b.  Informal.   beyond reason; exceedingly high: The price is out of sight.
   c.  Slang.   (often used interjectionally) fantastic; marvelous: a ceremony so glamorous it was out of sight.
  20. sight for sore eyes, someone or something whose appearance on the scene is cause for relief or gladness.
  21. sight unseen, without previous examination: to buy something sight unseen.
  22. to see, glimpse, notice, or observe: to sight a ship to the north.
  23. to take a sight or observation of (a stake, coastline, etc.), esp. with surveying or navigating instruments.
  24. to direct or aim by a sight or sights, as a firearm.
  25. to provide with sights or adjust the sights of, as a gun.
  26. to aim or observe through a sight.
  27. to look carefully in a certain direction.
 [bef. 950; ME (n.); OE sihth (more often gesihth, gesiht; c. G Gesicht face; cf. Y-), deriv. of seon to SEE1; see -TH1]




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