

单词 duplex
释义 duplex
 —duplexity,  n.  
 /dooh"pleks, dyooh"-/,  n.  
  1. See duplex apartment.
  2. See duplex house.
  3. paper or cardboard having different colors, finishes, or stocks on opposite sides.
  4.  Print.  
   a. a method of reproducing an illustration using two halftone plates, one black and the other in a color.
   b. a printing press equipped to print both sides of a sheet in one pass.
  5.  Genetics.   a double-stranded region of DNA.
  6. having two parts; double; twofold.
  7. (of a machine) having two identical working units, operating together or independently, in a single framework or assembly.
  8. pertaining to or noting a telecommunications system, as most telephone systems, permitting the simultaneous transmission of two messages in opposite directions over one channel.
  9. to make duplex; make or change into a duplex: Many owners are duplexing their old houses for extra income.
 [1810-20; < L: twofold, double, equiv. to du(o) TWO + -plex -PLEX]




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