

单词 govern
释义 govern
 —governable,  adj.   —governability, governableness,  n.  
 /guv"euhrn/,  v.t.  
  1. to rule over by right of authority: to govern a nation.
  2. to exercise a directing or restraining influence over; guide: the motives governing a decision.
  3. to hold in check; control: to govern one's temper.
  4. to serve as or constitute a law for: the principles governing a case.
  5.  Gram.   to be regularly accompanied by or require the use of (a particular form). In They helped us, the verb helped governs the objective case of the pronoun we.
  6. to regulate the speed of (an engine) with a governor.
  7. to exercise the function of government.
  8. to have predominating influence.
 [1250-1300; ME < OF gouverner < L gubernare to steer (a ship) < Gk kybernân to steer]
 Syn. 1. reign. See rule. 2. control, sway, influence, conduct, supervise, superintend.
 Ant. 1. obey.




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