

单词 demerit
释义 demerit
 —demeritorious /di mer'i tawr"ee euhs, -tohr"-/,  adj.   —demeritoriously,  adv.  
 /di mer"it/,  n.  
  1. a mark against a person for misconduct or deficiency: If you receive four demerits during a term, you will be expelled from school.
  2. the quality of being censurable or punishable; fault; culpability.
  3.  Obs.   merit or desert.
 [1350-1400; ME ( < OF desmerite) < ML demeritum fault, n. use of neut. ptp. of L demerere to earn, win the favor of (de- taken in ML as privative, hence pejorative). See DE-, MERIT]




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