

单词 physiognomy
释义 physiognomy
 —physiognomic /fiz'ee og nom"ik, -ee euh nom"-/, physiognomical, physiognomonic /fiz'ee og'neuh mon"ik, -on'euh-/, physiognomonical,  adj.   —physiognomically, physiognomonically,  adv.   —physiognomist,  n.  
 /fiz'ee og"neuh mee, -on"euh mee/,  n.  ,  pl.   physiognomies.
  1. the face or countenance, esp. when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy.
  2. Also called anthroposcopy. the art of determining character or personal characteristics from the form or features of the body, esp. of the face.
  3. the outward appearance of anything, taken as offering some insight into its character: the physiognomy of a nation.
 [1350-1400; earlier phisognomie, phisiognomie, late ME phisonomie < ML physionomia, physonomia < LGk physiognomía, syncopated var. of Gk physiognomonía art of judging a person by his features (see PHYSIO-, GNOMON, -Y3); r. ME fisenamie, fisnamie, fisnomie < MF fisonomie < ML, as above; cf. PHIZ]




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