

单词 contumely
释义 contumely
 —contumelious /kon'tooh mee"lee euhs, -tyooh-/,  adj.   —contumeliously,  adv.   —contumeliousness,  n.  
 /kon"too meuh lee, -tyoo-; keuhn tooh"meuh lee, -tyooh"-; kon"teuhm lee, -tyoohm, -cheuhm/,  n.  ,  pl.   contumelies.
  1. insulting display of contempt in words or actions; contemptuous or humiliating treatment.
  2. a humiliating insult.
 [1350-1400; ME contumelie ( < AF) < L contumelia, perh. akin to contumax (see CONTUMACY), though formation and sense development are unclear]
 Syn. 1. abuse, scorn, disdain, rudeness.




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