

单词 enthuse

enthusiasm /in-, en-thūˈzi-azm or -thooˈ/

  1. Intense and lively interest
  2. Passionate zeal
  3. Possession by a god, inspiration or religious exaltation (obsolete)
  4. Religious extravagance (obsolete)
ORIGIN: Gr enthousiasmos a god-inspired zeal, from enthousiazein to be inspired by a god, from en in, and theos a god

enthuseˈ transitive verb and intransitive verb

(back-formation) to make, be, become, or appear enthusiastic

enthuˈsiast noun

  1. A person filled with enthusiasm
  2. A person deeply interested in a particular subject

enthusiasˈtic or (archaic) enthusiasˈtical adjective

  1. Filled with enthusiasm
  2. Zealous
  3. Ardent

enthusiasˈtically adverb





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