

单词 endorses

endorse1 or indorse /in-dörsˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To write (esp one's signature, a note of contents, a record of an offence) on the back of
  2. To assign by writing on the back of
  3. To give one's sanction to
  4. To express approbation of
  5. To do so as a form of advertising, usu in return for money
  6. To lay on the back to load (archaic)
ORIGIN: endoss changed under the influence of LL indorsāre, from in on, and dorsum the back

endorsˈable adjective

endorseeˈ /en-/ noun

The person to whom a bill, etc is assigned by endorsement

endorseˈment noun

  1. The act of endorsing
  2. That which is written on the back
  3. A sanction
  4. A record of a motoring offence on a driving licence
  5. An additional clause on a policy altering the coverage in some way (insurance)

endorsˈer or endorsˈor noun

endorse out (S Afr)

To order (a person) to leave a place because he or she lacks official permission to be there

endorse2 /en-dörsˈ/ (heraldry)


A vertical band or stripe on a shield, one-fourth or one-eighth of the width of a pale

ORIGIN: Origin obscure

endorsedˈ adjective

  1. (of a pale) with an endorse on each side of it
  2. (of wings) thrown back





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