

单词 annexes

annex /ə-neksˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To add to the end
  2. To join or attach
  3. To take permanent possession of
  4. To purloin, appropriate (informal)
  5. To affix
  6. To append
noun /anˈeks/
  1. Something added, now only as a documentary appendix or addendum
  2. An annexe (esp US)
ORIGIN: L annectere, annexum, from ad to, and nectere to tie

annexāˈtion /an-/ noun

annexāˈtionist noun and adjective

annˈexe noun

  1. A supplementary building, built as an extension to the main building
  2. An annex to a document

annexion /ə-nekˈshən/ noun

  1. The act of annexing (archaic)
  2. Something annexed (Shakespeare)

annexˈment noun (rare)

  1. Addition (Shakespeare)
  2. The thing annexed

annexure /a-nekˈshər/ noun

Something added, esp an addition to a public document





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