

单词 kill two birds with one stone

bird /bûrd/

  1. A member of the Aves, a class of warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrates with forelimbs modified into wings
  2. A general name for a feathered animal (orig applied to the young)
  3. A person (slang; usu with adj, eg rare bird, odd bird)
  4. A prison sentence, prison (slang; from bird-lime, rhyming slang for ‘time’)
  5. A girl, esp one's girlfriend (now slang; orig confused with bride or burd1)
intransitive verb

To shoot at or seek to catch or snare birds

ORIGIN: OE brid the young of a bird, a bird

birdˈer noun (informal)

A birdwatcher

birdˈie noun

  1. (dimin) a little bird
  2. A score of one stroke less than par on a hole (also intransitive verb and transitive verb)

birdˈing noun

  1. The hunting or snaring of birds
  2. Birdwatching

birdˈlike adjective

bird-alane see under burd2

birdˈbath noun

A basin set up for birds to bathe in

birdˈ-bolt noun (Shakespeare)

A short thick blunted bolt or arrow for killing birds without piercing

birdˈbrain noun (informal)

A flighty, silly person

birdˈbrained adjective

birdˈcage noun

  1. A cage of wire or wicker for holding birds
  2. The paddock at a racecourse (orig that at Newmarket, now Aust and NZ inf)

birdˈcall noun

  1. A bird's song
  2. An instrument for imitating birdsong

birdˈ-catcher noun

A professional catcher of birds

birdˈ-catching noun and adjective

bird-catching spider noun

A bird-spider

birdˈ-cherry noun

  1. A small wild cherry tree (Prunus padus)
  2. Its astringent fruit

birdˈ-dog noun (N American)

A dog trained to find or retrieve birds for hunters

transitive verb

To watch closely

birdˈ-eyed adjective


birdˈ-fancier noun

A person who breeds cagebirds, or keeps them for sale

bird flu noun

A highly contagious strain of influenza that affects poultry and can be transmitted to humans (also called avian flu or avian influenza)

birdˈ-hipped adjective

(of dinosaurs) having a pelvis slightly similar to a bird's, the pubis extending backwards to lie parallel with the upper pelvis, ornithischian

birdˈ-house noun (N American)

  1. A nest box
  2. An aviary

bird impact noun

Bird strike

birdˈing-piece noun

A fowling-piece

birdˈ-life noun

Birds collectively

birdˈ-lime noun

  1. A sticky substance put on tree branches to catch birds
  2. See also bird (n) above

birdˈ-louse noun (pl birdˈ-lice)

A louse-like insect of the order Mallophaga, parasitical on birds and mammals

birdˈ-lover noun

A person who likes birds and (often) who promotes their welfare

birdˈman noun

  1. An ornithologist or a person otherwise concerned with birds
  2. A man who flies (or attempts flight) using his own muscle power (usu sci-fi)
  3. An airman (obs inf)

bird-nesting see bird's-nesting below.

bird of paradise noun

Any bird of the family Paradiseidae, inhabitants chiefly of New Guinea, closely related to the crows but of very beautiful plumage

bird-of-paradise flower noun

Any of various plants of the genus Strelitzia, found in S America and southern Africa, with flowers resembling birds' heads

bird of prey noun

One that devours other animals, applied usu to the Falconiformes

birdˈ-pepper noun

A species of Capsicum

birdˈ-scarer noun

A mechanical device for scaring birds away from growing crops

birdˈseed noun

  1. Seed (hemp, etc) for feeding cagebirds
  2. A thing trifling in amount, chickenfeed (slang)

bird'sˈ-eye noun

A kind of primrose, of speedwell, or of tobacco


  1. Such as might be seen by a flying bird
  2. Having markings like birds' eyes

bird's-eye maple noun

The timber of any of various N American maples, with markings in the grain reminiscent of birds' eyes

bird's-eye view noun

  1. A general view from above
  2. A general view of a subject

birdsˈfoot noun

A papilionaceous genus (Ornithopus) with clawlike pods

birdsfoot trefoil noun

A perennial plant (Lotus corniculatus) with flat-topped clusters of yellow flowers on stalks, often tinged with red (also bacon-and-eggs, eggs-and-bacon)

birdˈshot noun

Pellets suitable for shooting birds

birdˈ-skiing noun

Water-skiing with a winglike device that enables the skier to rise off the water

bird'sˈ-nest noun

  1. The nest in which a bird lays and hatches her eggs
  2. A name given to several plants from their appearance, esp Monotropa and Neottia (bird's-nest orchid) and Asplenium nidus (bird's-nest fern)

bird'sˈ-nesting or birdˈ-nesting noun

Seeking and robbing birds' nests

bird's-nest soup noun (Chinese cookery)

A soup made from swallows' nests

birdˈsong noun

A bird's or birds' musical vocalization

birdˈ-spider noun

  1. Any of various large spiders (genus Mygale) preying on small birds, found in tropical America
  2. Extended to others of the family Aviculariidae

bird strike noun

The collision of a bird or birds with an aircraft resulting in aircraft damage

bird table noun

A table, inaccessible to cats, for wild birds to feed on

birdˈwatcher noun

birdˈwatching noun

The observation of birds in their natural habitat

birdˈwing or birdwing butterfly noun

Any of various very large brightly-coloured butterflies of SE Asia

birdˈ-witted adjective

  1. Flighty
  2. Incapable of sustained attention

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A certainty is not to be thrown away for a poor chance of something better

a little bird told me

I heard from a source I will not reveal

birds of a feather see under feather

do bird (slang; see bird (n)

Above) to serve a prison sentence

get (or give someone) the bird (ie the goose; orig theatre sl)

  1. To be hissed (or to hiss someone)
  2. Hence to be dismissed (or to dismiss someone)

in bird (slang; see bird (n)

Above) in prison

kill two birds with one stone

To accomplish one thing by the same means as, or by accomplishing, another

like a bird

With alacrity

(strictly) for the birds (slang)

Not to be taken seriously, of little value

the birds and the bees (informal)

The facts of life

watch the birdie (informal)

A humorous instruction to look at the camera when one is about to be photographed

kill1 /kil/

transitive verb
  1. To put to death, to murder or execute
  2. To deprive of life
  3. To destroy
  4. To nullify or neutralize, to make inactive, to weaken or dilute
  5. To reject, discard, defeat
  6. To overwhelm with amazement, admiration, laughter, etc (informal)
  7. To injure seriously (Irish)
  8. To spoil
  9. To muffle or still
  10. To extinguish (a light, etc) (informal)
  11. To stop the flow of oil in (a well) by pumping in mud or other liquid (oil)
  12. To cause to stop, to turn off (machinery, etc)
  13. To exhaust, to overexert (informal)
  14. To cause severe pain to (informal)
  15. To consume completely (informal)
  16. To mark for cancellation, to cut (printing)
  17. To cancel or suppress (a story) (press)
  18. To bring (a loose ball) under control (football, etc)
  19. To play (a shot) so hard that one's opponent cannot play it back again (tennis, etc)
intransitive verb

To commit murder or manslaughter

  1. An act or instance of killing, etc
  2. Prey or game killed
  3. An act or instance of destroying an enemy plane, tank, etc
  4. The plane, tank, etc so destroyed
  5. A shot impossible to return (tennis, etc)
ORIGIN: ME killen or cullen

killˈer noun

  1. A person, creature, organism, chemical, etc that kills
  2. Someone who murders readily or habitually
  3. An instrument for killing
  4. A neutralizing agent
  5. An animal intended for slaughter (Aust and NZ informal)
  6. A gruelling task or activity (informal)
adjective (slang)

Spectacularly impressive, stupendous

killˈing adjective

  1. Depriving of life
  2. Destructive
  3. Deadly, irresistible
  4. Exhausting
  5. Fascinating
  6. Irresistibly funny (informal)
  1. The act of causing death, slaughter
  2. A large financial gain, esp sudden (informal)
  3. A severe handling

killˈingly adverb

kill-courtˈesy noun (Shakespeare)

A discourteous person

killˈcow noun (obsolete)

A bully, a swaggerer

killer cell noun (immunology)

A lymphocyte that destroys certain tumour cells without evident antigen specificity

killer whale noun

  1. A ferocious black-and-white toothed marine whale
  2. The grampus

killing field noun

A scene of large-scale killing, esp in war

killing time noun (Scot hist)

The days of the persecution of the Covenanters in the 17c

killˈjoy noun

A spoilsport


Austere, disapproving

kill line noun (mining)

One of the small-bore pipelines, connected through the blow-out preventer stack, that allow denser mud to be pumped into a borehole which has to be shut down because of the danger of a blow-out

kill string see injection string under inject

dressed to kill

Dressed so as to dazzle, attract and impress others

in at the kill (figurative)

Present at the culminating moment

kill by inches

To kill gradually, eg by torture

kill off

  1. To exterminate
  2. (of an author, etc) to write in the death of (a fictional character)

kill the fatted calf

See under calf1

kill time

To occupy oneself with amusements, etc, in order to pass spare time or to relieve boredom (also killˈ-time noun an occupation of this sort)

kill two birds with one stone see under bird

kill up (Shakespeare)

To exterminate

make a killing (informal)

To make a lot of money, a large profit





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