

单词 affrontee

affront /ə-fruntˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To meet face to face
  2. To face
  3. To confront
  4. To throw oneself in the way of (Shakespeare)
  5. To insult to one's face
  1. A contemptuous treatment
  2. An open insult
  3. Indignity
ORIGIN: OFr afronter to slap on the forehead, from LL affrontāre, from L ad to, and frōns, frontis forehead

affronté, affrontée or affrontee /ä-fronˈtā or ə-frunˈtē/ adjective

  1. Facing each other
  2. Looking frontwise, or towards the beholder (heraldry)

affrontˈed adjective

Insulted or offended, esp in public

affrontˈing noun and adjective

affrontˈingly adverb

affrontˈive adjective





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