

单词 affecters

affect2 /ə-fektˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To make a show of preferring
  2. To do, wear or inhabit by preference
  3. To assume
  4. To assume the character of
  5. To make a show or pretence of
  6. To aim at or aspire to (obsolete)
  7. To have a liking for (archaic)
intransitive verb

To incline or tend

ORIGIN: L affectāre, -ātum, frequentative of afficere; see affect1 above

affectāˈtion /af-ik-/ noun

  1. Assumption of or striving after an appearance of what is not natural or real
  2. Pretence

affectˈed adjective

  1. Full of affectation
  2. Feigned

affectˈedly adverb

affectˈedness noun

affectˈer noun





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