

单词 demi-lances

demi- /dem-i-/

combining form

Denoting half or half-sized

ORIGIN: Fr demi, from L dīmidium, from di- apart, and medius the middle

demˈi-bastˈion noun (fortification)

A kind of half-bastion, consisting of one face and one flank

demˈi-cannˈon noun (Shakespeare; historical)

An old kind of gun which threw a ball weighing from 30 to 36lb

demi-caractère /də-mē-kar-ək-tār/ noun

(Fr, half-character) in ballet, a character dance that uses the classical technique (also adjective)

demˈi-culˈverin noun (historical)

An old kind of cannon which threw a shot of 9 or 10lb

demi-deˈify transitive verb

  1. To treat as a demigod
  2. To go halfway towards deifying

demˈi-devˈil noun

A half-devil

demˈi-disˈtance noun (fortification)

The distance between the outward polygons and the flank

demˈi-dīˈtone noun (music)

A minor third

demˈigod or demˈigoddess noun

  1. A half-god
  2. A person whose nature is partly divine, esp a hero fabled to be, or idolized as, the offspring of a god and a mortal

demˈi-gorge noun (fortification)

The part of the polygon remaining after the flank is raised, going from the curtain to the angle of the polygon

demˈi-lance noun (historical)

  1. A short, light spear of the 16c
  2. A soldier armed with such a weapon

demˈilune /-loon/ noun (fortification)

  1. A half-moon
  2. An old name for ravelin

demi-mondaine /-enˈ/ noun

A woman member of the demi-monde (also adjective)

demi-monde /demˈi-mond, də-mē-mɔ̃d/ noun

  1. A class of women in an unrespectable social position, the kept mistresses of society men
  2. The shady section of a profession or group

demi-pension /də-mē-pã-syɔ̃/ noun

(Fr, boarding house) the provision of bed, breakfast and one other meal, in hotels, etc, half board

demipique /demˈi-pēk/ adjective

(of an 18c war-saddle) having a lower peak than usual (also noun)

demˈirep noun (for demi-reputable; old)

A person, esp a woman, of dubious reputation

demirepˈdom noun

demisemiquaver /dem-i-semˈi-kwā-vər/ noun (music)

A note equal in time to half of a semiquaver

demˈi-volt or -volte noun

A half-turn of a horse, the forelegs being raised in the air

demˈi-wolf noun (Shakespeare)

A half-wolf, the offspring of a dog and a wolf





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