单词 | dark horse |
释义 | dark /därk/adjective
In a state of dark ORIGIN: OE deorc darkˈen transitive verb
To grow dark or darker darkˈey, darkˈie noun see darky below darkˈish adjective darkˈle intransitive verb (literary) To grow dark (a back-formation from darkling) darkˈling adverb and adjective
darkˈlings adverb (poetic) In the dark darkˈly adverb darkˈness noun darkˈsome adjective
darkˈy noun
dark adaptation noun The automatic adjustment of the eye to enable it to continue to see in reduced light darkˈ-adaptˈed adjective Dark Ages plural noun The period of European history from the 5c to the 9c or 12c (or 15c), once considered to be a time of intellectual darkness Dark Continent noun (old) Africa dark current noun (image technol and physics) Residual current in a photoelectric cell, video camera tube, etc, when there is no incident illumination dark energy noun A hypothetical form of energy believed to be responsible for the continuous expansion of the universe darkfield microscope noun An ultramicroscope dark glasses plural noun Sunglasses dark-ground illumination noun (biology) A method for the microscopic examination of living material by scattered light, specimens appearing luminous against a dark background (cf bright-field illumination) dark horse noun
darkˈ-house noun (Shakespeare) A mad-house dark lantern noun A lantern whose light can be covered darkling beetle noun Any dark-coloured beetle of the Tenebrionidae darkˈmans noun (criminal sl) Night dark matter noun Undetectable but influential matter, possibly in the form of neutrinos, making up a large proportion of the mass of the universe dark meat noun The darker meat from the legs, etc of poultry (cf white meat) darkˈnet noun (computing) A private network of computer users within which file sharing (qv under file1) takes place dark reaction noun The second phase of photosynthesis, which needs no light darkˈroom noun A room for developing and printing photographs free from such light as would affect photographic plates dark star noun A star that emits no visible light, and can be detected only by its radiowaves, gravitational effect, etc dark web noun Deep web (qv under deep ) darken someone's door (often with neg, often implying unwelcomeness) to appear as a visitor in the dark Ignorant, unaware keep dark To be silent or secret keep it dark To conceal something prince of darkness Satan horse /hörs/noun (pl horses, or sometimes horse)
ORIGIN: OE hors; ON hross; OHGer hros (Ger Ross) horseˈless adjective
horsˈey or horsˈy adjective
horsˈiness noun horsˈing noun (archaic) Birching of a person mounted on another's back horseˈ-and-buggˈy adjective (N American) Hopelessly out of date horse artillery noun Field artillery with comparatively light guns and the gunners mounted horseˈback noun The back of a horse horse bean noun
horse block noun A mounting block horse boat noun A boat for carrying horses, or towed by a horse horse bot noun A botfly horse box noun
horseˈ-boy noun A stable boy horse brass noun A usu brass ornament of a kind hung on the harness of a horse horseˈ-bread noun A coarse bread for feeding horses horseˈ-breaker or horse-tamer noun
horseˈcar noun (US) A streetcar drawn by horses horse chestnut noun
horseˈ-cloth noun A cloth for covering a horse horseˈ-collar noun A stuffed collar for a draught horse, carrying the hames horseˈ-coper or (Scot) horseˈ-couper /-kow- or -koo-/ or horseˈ-dealer noun A person who deals in horses horseˈ-courser noun (obsolete) A jobbing dealer in horses horseˈ-dealing noun Horse-trading horseˈ-doctor noun A veterinary surgeon horseˈ-drench noun A dose of medicine for a horse horseˈ-faced adjective Having a long horselike face horse fair noun A fair or market for sale of horses horseˈfeathers plural noun and interjection (US) Nonsense horseˈflesh noun
adjective Of a reddish-bronze colour horseflesh ore noun Bornite or erubescite (from its colour) horseˈfly noun The forest-fly or other large fly that stings or bites horses horseˈ-foot noun
horse-godˈmother noun (dialect) A fat clumsy woman horseˈ-gowan noun (Scot) The ox-eye daisy horse guards plural noun
horseˈhair noun
adjective Made of or stuffed with horsehair horsehair worm same as hairworm (see under hair). horseˈhide noun horse hoe noun A hoe drawn by horses horseˈ-knacker noun Someone who buys and slaughters worn-out horses horse latitudes plural noun Two zones of the Atlantic Ocean (about 30ºN and 30ºS, esp the former) noted for long calm periods horseˈlaugh noun A harsh, boisterous laugh horseˈleech noun
horseless carriage noun (archaic) A motor car horseˈ-litter noun
horse mackerel noun
horseˈman noun
horseˈmanship noun The art of riding and of training and managing horses horseman's word noun (Scot hist)
horse marine noun
horseˈmeat noun
horse mill noun A mill turned by horses horseˈ-milliner noun (archaic) Someone who provides the trappings for horses horseˈmint noun
horse mushroom noun A large coarse mushroom horse mussel noun A mollusc (genus Modiolus) similar to the common mussel but much bigger horse nail noun A nail for fastening a horseshoe to the hoof horse opera noun (facetious) A Wild West film horse pistol noun A large pistol formerly carried in a holster by horsemen horseˈplay noun Rough, boisterous play horseˈpond noun A pond for watering horses at horseˈpower noun The power a horse can exert, or its conventional equivalent (taken as 745.7 watts, or metric horsepower taken as 735.5 watts) horse race noun A race by horses horseˈ-racing noun The practice of racing or running horses in matches horseˈradish noun
horseradish tree noun
horse rake noun A rake pulled by horses horseˈ-rider noun horseˈ-riding noun horse sense noun (informal) Plain common sense horseˈshoe noun
adjective Shaped like a horseshoe horseshoe bat noun A bat with a horseshoe-shaped appendage on the nose horseshoe crab noun A large marine arachnid (genus Limulus) with a convex horseshoe-shaped armoured body horseˈshoeing noun horseˈshoer /-shooˈər/ noun A person who makes or fits horseshoes horseˈ-sickness or African horse-sickness noun A serious disease of horses, due to a virus horse's neck noun A cocktail consisting of brandy, ginger ale and a twist of lemon peel horse soldier noun A cavalry soldier horseˈtail noun
horseˈ-thief noun horseˈ-trading noun Hard bargaining horseˈ-trainer noun A person who trains horses for racing, etc horseˈway noun A road along which a horse may pass horseˈwhip noun A whip for driving horses transitive verb
horseˈ-woman noun A woman who rides on horseback, or who rides well horse-wrangler see under wrangle dark horse see under dark flog a dead horse To try to work up excitement about a subject in which others have lost interest from the horse's mouth see straight from the horse's mouth below. gift horse see under gift high horse see on one's high horse under high1 hold your horses
horse and hattock see under hat horse around (informal) To fool about, play boisterously horse of a different colour Another thing altogether horses for courses Phrase expressing the view that each racehorse will do best on a certain course which peculiarly suits it (also figurative of people) metric horsepower see horsepower above. put the cart before the horse see under cart straight from the horse's mouth From a very trustworthy source (of information) take horse To mount on horseback white horse see under white willing horse A willing, obliging worker |
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