

单词 coprophagists

copro- or copr- /ko-pr(ō)-/

combining form

Denoting dung, faeces, obscenity

ORIGIN: Gr kopros dung

coprōlālˈia noun (Gr lalia talk; psychiatry)

Obsessive or repetitive use of obscene language, eg as a characteristic of Tourette's syndrome

coprōlālˈiac adjective

coprolite /kopˈrə-līt/ noun (Gr lithos stone; geology)

  1. A phosphatic pellet thought to be the fossilized faeces of fish, reptiles and birds
  2. Any similar phosphatic concretion of indeterminate origin

copˈrolith noun (medicine)

A mass of hard (sometimes calcified) faeces in the colon or rectum, due to chronic constipation

coprolitic /-litˈik/ adjective

  1. Containing or made of coprolites
  2. Like, or relating to, coprolites

coprolˈogy noun

The use of obscenity in speech, literature and art

coprophˈagan noun

(Gr phagein to eat) a dung-beetle

coprophagˈic /-ajˈik/ adjective

coprophˈagist /-jist/ noun

A dung-eater

coprophˈagous /-gəs/ adjective

coprophˈagy /-ji/ noun

coprophilˈia noun

(Gr philiā love) an abnormal interest in, or preoccupation with, faeces

coprophˈilous adjective

  1. Abnormally interested in faeces or dung
  2. (of plants, etc) growing on or in dung

coprosˈterol noun

A compound formed from cholesterol in the intestine

coprozōˈic adjective

(of animals) living in dung





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