

单词 consist of

consist /kən-sistˈ/

intransitive verb
  1. To be composed or formed (of)
  2. To exist, lie or have its being (in)
  3. To be expressed or shown (by)
  4. To be compatible or consistent
ORIGIN: L cōnsistere, from con- together, and sistere to set, stand

consistˈence or consistˈency

  1. Degree of density or thickness
  2. Substance
  3. Agreement with something previously stated or shown
  4. Harmony, compatibility

consistˈent adjective

  1. Free from contradiction
  2. Fixed or steady
  3. Not fluid
  4. Agreeing together, harmonious, compatible
  5. True to principles

consistˈently adverb

consistōˈrial adjective

consistōˈrian adjective

conˈsistory (or /-sistˈ/) noun

  1. An assembly or council (archaic)
  2. A spiritual or ecclesiastical court or governing body
  3. An assembly of cardinals and the Pope (RC)
  4. The place where such a court or assembly meets

consist in

  1. To inhere in (obsolete)
  2. To have as essence
  3. To be composed of

consist of

To be made up of





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