

单词 all in one

one /won or wun/

  1. The number unity
  2. A symbol representing that number (1, i, etc)
  3. An individual thing or person, identified by implied reference to a known noun, as in two red pens and a blue one
  4. A joke, as in the one about … (informal)
  5. A drink, as in a quick one (informal)
  6. A score of one point, stroke, trick, etc
  7. An article of a size denoted by 1
  8. The first hour after midnight or midday
  9. The age of one year
  1. Single
  2. Of unit number
  3. Undivided
  4. The same
  5. A certain
  6. A single but not specified
  7. Only
  8. An emphatic word for a, as in That is one big problem (informal)
  9. First
  10. One year old
  1. Somebody
  2. Anybody
  3. I, me (formal)
ORIGIN: OE ān; ON einn, Ger ein; L ūnus; Gr oinē ace

oneˈness noun

  1. Singleness
  2. Uniqueness
  3. Identity
  4. Unity
  5. Homogeneity or sameness

oner, one-er or wunner /wunˈər/ noun (all meanings informal or slang)

  1. A person or thing unique or outstanding in any way
  2. An expert
  3. A single, uninterrupted action, process or operation (as in in a oner)
  4. A £1 note
  5. A heavy blow
  6. A big lie

oneselfˈ or one's self pronoun

The emphatic and reflexive form of one

one-acˈter noun (informal)

A one-act play

one-and-thirˈty noun

An old card game like vingt-et-un, with the aim of making the pips add up to 31 and no more

one-armed bandit see under bandit

oneˈ-day adjective

(of an event, etc) lasting for one day

one-dimenˈsional adjective

  1. Having only one dimension
  2. Without depth, shallow, superficial (figurative)

oneˈ-eyed adjective

Having only one eye

oneˈfold adjective

Simple, single-minded

oneˈ-handˈed adjective

With, by or for one hand

oneˈ-horse adjective

  1. Drawn by a single horse
  2. (of a place) poor, mean, lacking amenities

one-horse race noun

A race, competition, etc, in which one particular competitor or participant is certain to win

oneˈ-ideˈa'd adjective

Entirely possessed by one idea

oneˈ-leggˈed adjective

oneˈ-linˈer noun (informal)

  1. A short witty remark
  2. A wisecrack, quip
  3. A joke delivered in one sentence

oneˈ-man adjective

Of, for or done by one person (also oneˈ-person; fem oneˈ-woman)

one-man band noun

  1. A musician who carries and plays many instruments simultaneously
  2. (also one-man show) an organization, activity, etc, run very much by one person who refuses the help of others (figurative)

one-man show noun

  1. A show performed by one person
  2. A one-man band (figurative) or the person running it

one-naˈtion adjective

(of a country) socially integrated

one-nightˈer or one-night stand noun

  1. A performance or performances, or anything similar, given on one single evening in one place by one or more people who then travel on to another place
  2. A sexual relationship lasting only one night (informal)

oneˈ-offˈ adjective and noun

(something) made, intended, done, etc for one occasion only

oneˈ-oneˈ adjective


one-on-oneˈ same as one-to-one below.

one-parent family noun

A family in which, due to death, divorce, etc, the children are looked after by only one parent

oneˈ-piece adjective

Made in one piece


A garment, esp a swimsuit, made in one piece

oneˈ-shot adjective

  1. (intended to be) done, used, etc on only one occasion or for one particular purpose or project
  2. One-off
  3. Not part of a serial


A thing that happens on one occasion only

one-sidˈed adjective

  1. Limited to one side
  2. Partial
  3. Biased
  4. (of a competition, etc) with one person or side having a great advantage over the other
  5. Developed on one side only
  6. Turned to one side

one-sidˈedly adverb

one-sidˈedness noun

oneˈ-step noun

  1. A dance of US origin danced to quick march time
  2. A piece of music for this dance

intransitive verb

To dance a one-step

oneˈ-stop adjective

(of a store, etc) providing a variety of goods or services all at one source

oneˈ-time adjective

Former, past

oneˈ-to-oneˈ adjective

  1. Corresponding each one uniquely to one other
  2. With one person meeting, opposing, playing, etc one other

oneˈ-track adjective

  1. Incapable of dealing with more than one idea or activity at a time
  2. Obsessed with one idea to the exclusion of others

one-trick pony see under pony

one-twoˈ noun (informal)

  1. A blow with one fist followed by a blow with the other (boxing, etc; also figurative)
  2. A movement in which a player passes the ball to another player, then runs forward to receive it again (football)

one-upˈmanship noun

(title of humorous book by Stephen Potter, 1952) the art of being one up, ie scoring or maintaining an advantage over someone

oneˈ-way adjective

  1. Proceeding, or permitting travel, or set apart for traffic, in one direction only
  2. Not requiring reciprocal action, etc
  3. Not reciprocated

one-way glass or one-way mirror noun

A sheet of glass which can be looked through from one side but which appears from the other side to be a mirror

one-worldˈer noun

Someone who subscribes to one-worldism

one-worldˈism noun

A belief in the government of the world as a whole rather than as separate states and nations

all one

  1. Just the same
  2. Not important

a (or the) one (informal)

A person special or remarkable in some way

a one for (informal)

An enthusiast for

at one

  1. Of one mind
  2. Reconciled (with with)

be made one (archaic)

To get married

be one up on

To score an advantage over (another)

for one

As at least one, albeit possibly the only one, as in I for one disagree

for one thing

As one reason for objection, there being potentially more

in one or all in one

  1. Combined
  2. As one unit, object, etc

just one of those things

An unfortunate happening that must be accepted

one and all

Everyone without exception

one another see another

one by one

Singly in order

one or two

A few

all /öl/

  1. Comprising every individual one (eg all men, all roads, all instances)
  2. Comprising the whole extent, etc of (eg all winter)
  3. Any whatever
  4. (preceding ‘the’) as many as there are, or as much as there is (eg all the men, all the cheese)
  5. Also used following pl pers pronoun or sometimes n pl (eg we all laughed, the guests all came)
  6. The greatest possible (eg with all haste, in all sincerity)
  7. Every
  1. The whole
  2. Everybody
  3. Everything
  4. The totality of things
  5. The universe
  6. One's whole possessions or utmost efforts (formerly often in pl)
  1. Wholly
  2. Entirely
  3. Quite or completely
  4. Without limit, infinitely
  5. On all sides
  6. On each side, apiece
  7. Even or just (passing into a mere intensive, eg all on a summer's day, or almost into a conjunction by omission of if or though)
combining form
  1. Denoting infinite, infinitely
  2. Universal
  3. Completely
  4. Wholly
  5. By all
  6. Having all for object
ORIGIN: OE (Anglian) all, (WSax eall); Ger all

allˈness noun

The condition of being all

Possible compounds are without limit and only a selection can be given:

allˈ-Amerˈican adjective
  1. Representative of the whole of America, esp in some admirable quality
  2. Typically American (in behaviour, appearance, etc)
  3. Chosen to represent the United States
  4. Consisting entirely of US or American members

All Blacks plural noun

The New Zealand international rugby team

allˈ-building adjective (Shakespeare)

Poss on which all is built, but prob a misprint

all-changˈing-word noun

A spell that transforms everything

all-cheerˈing adjective

Giving cheerfulness to all

allˈ-clearˈ noun

A signal that the reason for sheltering, or (figurative) for inactivity, is past

allˈcomers plural noun

Everyone who arrives or is present

allˈ-day adjective

Lasting all day

all-dreadˈed adjective

Dreaded by all

allˈ-elecˈtric adjective

Using only electricity for heating and lighting

allˈ-embracing adjective

Encompassing everything

all-endˈing adjective

Allˈ-father noun

  1. Woden
  2. Zeus
  3. God

allˈ-fired adjective (informal, orig US)

(as an intensifier) infernal (perh for hell-fired)

allˈ-firedly adverb

all-fivesˈ noun

A game of dominoes in which the aim is to make the end pips sum a multiple of five

All Fools' Day noun

April Fools' Day, 1 April

all-foursˈ noun

A card game in which there are four chances that score a point (see also four)

all-givˈer noun (Milton)

The giver of all, God

allˈ-good noun

The plant good-King-Henry

all-goodˈ adjective

Infinitely good

all-hailˈ interjection (archaic)

A greeting (literally, all health)

noun (archaic)

A salutation of ‘All hail’

transitive verb (archaic)

To greet with ‘All hail’

All-hallˈowmass noun

The feast of All Saints

allˈhallˈown, allˈhallˈowen, allˈhollˈown or allˈhallˈond adjective (orig genitive pl of noun; obsolete)

(Shakespeare al-hallown summer a spell of fine weather about All Hallows)

All Hallˈows Day noun

All Saints' Day, 1 November

All-hallˈowtide noun

The season of All Hallows

allˈheal noun

  1. A panacea (obsolete)
  2. The great valerian or other plant thought to have healing properties, eg self-heal

all-hidˈ noun (archaic)


all-importˈant adjective

  1. Essential
  2. Crucial

all-inˈ adjective

  1. Including everything (also all-incluˈsive; see also all in below)
  2. (of a school, etc) comprehensive
  3. (of wrestling) freestyle, with no restrictions on holds

allˈ-in-oneˈ adjective and noun

(something) combining two or more functions in a single item

allˈnight adjective

Lasting, open, etc all night

allnightˈer noun

Any event, activity, party, etc that lasts all night

all-obeyˈing adjective (Shakespeare)

Obeyed by all

allˈ-or-nothˈing or allˈ-or-noneˈ adjective

That must be gained, accepted, etc completely or not at all

allˈ-out adjective

  1. Using maximum effort
  2. (of a strike) with everyone participating

allˈ-ovˈer adjective

Over the entire surface, body, etc

all-ōˈverish adjective (informal)

Having an indefinite sense of indisposition, discomfort, or malaise

all-ōˈverishness noun (informal).

all-parˈty adjective

Involving all the parties to a dispute, political action, etc

allˈ-pervading adjective

Spreading or filtering through the whole of

allˈ-play-allˈ adjective

Of a competition, in which every competitor plays against every other in turn

allˈ-points bulletin noun (N American)

A report giving details of a wanted person, crime, etc issued by one police station and transmitted to all others in the region or state

all-powˈerful adjective

  1. Supremely powerful
  2. Omnipotent

all'-prōˈ noun (American football)

A player who has been selected to a team consisting of the best professional players in each playing position (also adjective)

all-purˈpose adjective

That can be used for any purpose, in any circumstances, etc

all-redˈ adjective (obsolete)

Exclusively on British territory (from the conventional colouring of maps)

all-risksˈ adjective

(of insurance) covering all risks except a number specifically excluded (eg war risks)

allˈ-round adjective

  1. Including, applying to all (also adverb)
  2. Adequate, complete, or competent on all sides

all-round camera noun

A camera able to make a strip picture of the whole periphery of an object revolved before it

all-roundˈer noun

  1. Someone who shows ability in many sports or many aspects of a particular sport, esp a cricket player who can both bat and bowl
  2. Someone who shows an ability in or who has an involvement in many kinds of work, etc (also adjective)

all-roundˈness noun

all-rulˈing adjective

All Saints' Day noun

1 November, a Christian festival in honour of the saints collectively

allˈ-seatˈer noun

A venue at which standing is not permitted or possible (also adjective)

allˈseed noun

A weed (genus Radiola) of the flax family, or other many-seeded plant

all-seeˈing adjective

all-sēˈer noun (Shakespeare)

One who sees all, ie God

allˈsorts plural noun

Things of various odd shapes, sizes, colours, etc (also figurative)

All Souls' Day noun (RC)

2 November, a day of prayer for souls in Purgatory

allˈspice noun

Pimento or Jamaica pepper, supposed to combine the flavours of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves (see also calycanthus under calyx)

allˈ-starˈ adjective

Having a cast or team all of whom are stars

all-tellˈing adjective (Shakespeare)

Revealing all

allˈ-terrain adjective

(of vehicles) designed for use on rough terrain

allˈ-thing adverb (Shakespeare)

Every way

allˈ-tickˈet adjective

(of an event) for which tickets must be obtained in advance

allˈ-time adjective

Of all time to date

all-time high or all-time low noun

A high or low level never before reached

all-time record noun

A record exceeding all others in all times

allˈ-up noun and adjective

(of loaded aircraft) total (weight)

all-up service noun (old)

A service carrying first-class mail by air at regular postage rates

allˈ-weather adjective

  1. Capable of use in all kinds of weather
  2. Weatherproof

all-wheel drive noun

A type of four-wheel drive in which each wheel can rotate at a different speed

allˈ-wheel-driveˈ adjective

all-wingˈ aeroplane noun

An aeroplane with no fuselage, the cabin being in the wings

allˈ-work noun

All kinds of work (esp domestic)

after all

  1. When everything has been considered
  2. In spite of all that
  3. Nevertheless

all along

  1. Everywhere along
  2. All the time

all and some (obsolete)

One and all

all at once


all but

Everything short of, almost

all for (informal)

Strongly in favour of

all found

(usu of a price) all in, with everything included

all in

  1. Exhausted
  2. Everything included

all in all

  1. All things considered, all or everything together
  2. Something which someone is wholly wrapped up in

all of (informal)

  1. As long or as far, etc as
  2. The whole distance, time, etc of

all out

  1. At full power or speed
  2. Completely exhausted

all over

  1. Everywhere
  2. Over the whole of
  3. Covered with (informal)
  4. Thoroughly, entirely
  5. Very characteristically
  6. Excessively attentive towards

all over the place

All awry, or in a disorganized muddle

all over with

Finished, done with, completely at an end with

all right

  1. Unhurt, safe
  2. Adequate, suitable
  3. Acceptable (also US inf all-right)
  4. Yes, fine, ok
  5. You can be sure of that!
  6. (also a bit of all right) very good, or esp of a young woman, very attractive (slang)

all-singing, all-dancing (informal)

Incorporating a full range of features and elaborations

all's one

It is just the same

all square

  1. (of debts, etc) settled
  2. (in games) having equal scores

all systems go

Everything (is) in working order, starting up, etc (also figurative)

all that

(usu after a negative or a question) so, especially, as … as all that

all the best

A phrase used to wish someone good luck, etc

all there

  1. Completely sane
  2. Of normal intelligence, not stupid (informal)
  3. Alert

all the same see under same

all the way

  1. Completely, as in I'm with you all the way
  2. A euphemistic expression for full sexual intercourse, as in go all the way (with someone)

all told

  1. Including every person, thing, etc
  2. Taking everything into account

all to one (obsolete)


all up with

  1. At an end with
  2. Beyond any hope for

and all

As well as the rest

and all that

And all the rest of it, et cetera

as all that

To that extent

at all

  1. In the least degree
  2. In any way
  3. In any circumstances
  4. Used also merely to give emphasis

be all over someone

To be excessively and sometimes irritatingly friendly and attentive to someone

be all things to all men

  1. To alter one's approach, behaviour, attitude, etc to suit the person one is dealing with
  2. To be (usu excessively) affable

for all


for good and all


in all

  1. All told
  2. In total

once and for all

Once and once only, finally

when all is said and done

  1. After all
  2. All things considered





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