

单词 confessorships

confess /kən-fesˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To acknowledge fully (esp something wrong)
  2. To own up to or admit
  3. To make known (eg sins to a priest)
  4. (eg of a priest) to hear a confession from
  5. To reveal, betray, or make manifest (poetic)
intransitive verb

To make confession (esp to a priest)

ORIGIN: Fr confesser, from L cōnfitērī, cōnfessus, from con- (signifying completeness) and fatērī to confess, from fārī to speak

confessˈant noun

A person who makes a confession of sins to a priest

confessedˈ or confestˈ adjective

  1. Admitted
  2. Avowed
  3. Declared
  4. Evident

confessˈedly or confestˈly adverb

confession /kən-feshˈən/ noun

  1. Acknowledgement or admission of a crime or fault
  2. The act of confessing
  3. The thing confessed
  4. A statement of religious belief
  5. Acknowledgement of sin to a priest (auricular confession)
  6. A religious body of common belief (obsolete)

confessˈional noun

  1. The seat or enclosed recess where a priest hears confessions
  2. The institution of confession

Relating to confession

confessˈionalism noun

confessˈionalist noun

confessˈionary adjective

Of or belonging to confession


A confessional

confessˈor (or /konˈ/) noun

  1. A priest who hears confessions and grants absolution
  2. A person who makes a confession
  3. A person who makes a declaration esp of religious faith
  4. A person who endures persecution but not death

confessˈoress noun

confessˈorship noun

confession of faith

  1. A formal statement embodying the religious beliefs of a church or sect
  2. A creed

confess to

To admit, acknowledge

stand confessed (formal or archaic)

To be revealed





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