

单词 compound interest

compound1 /kəm-powndˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To make up
  2. To combine (chem)
  3. To settle or adjust by agreement
  4. To agree for a consideration not to prosecute (a felony)
  5. To intensify, make worse or greater
intransitive verb

To agree, or come to terms

adjective /komˈ/
  1. Mixed or composed of a number of parts
  2. So united that the whole has properties of its own which are not necessarily those of its constituents, as in the case of a mixture (chem)
  3. Not simple, dealing with numbers of various denominations of quantity, etc, as in compound addition, etc, or with processes more complex than the simple process, as in compound proportion
  1. A mass made up of a number of parts
  2. A word made up of two or more words
  3. A compound substance (chem)
  4. A compounded drug
ORIGIN: OFr compundre, from L compōnere, from com- together, and pōnere to place

compoundˈable adjective

compoundˈer noun

compound animals same as colonial animals (see under colony).

compound engine noun

A condensing engine in which the mechanical action of the steam is begun in one cylinder, and ended in a larger cylinder

compound eye noun

In insects, etc, an eye made up of many separate units

compound fracture see under fracture

compound interest noun

Interest added to the principal at the end of each period (usu a year) to form a new principal for the next period, thus giving further interest on the interest to date

compound interval noun (music)

Any interval plus an octave

compound leaf noun

A leaf divided into leaflets by divisions reaching the midrib

compound number noun

A quantity expressed in two or more different units, as in 3 feet 6 inches

compound quantity noun (mathematics)

A quantity consisting of more than one term, such as a+b

compound ratio noun

The product of ratios

compound sentence noun (grammar)

A sentence containing more than one principal clause

compound time noun (music)

Time in which each bar is made up of two or more simple measures, each divided into three (see also simple time under simple)

interest /intˈə-rest, intˈrəst or -rist/

  1. Advantage, benefit
  2. Premium paid for the borrowing of money
  3. Any increase
  4. Concern, importance
  5. Personal influence
  6. A right to some advantage
  7. Claim to participate or be concerned in some way
  8. Stake, share
  9. Partisanship or side
  10. The body of people whose advantage is bound up in anything
  11. Regard to (esp personal) advantage
  12. A state of engaged attention and curiosity
  13. Disposition towards such a state
  14. The power of arousing it
  15. A subject or activity to which one willingly devotes time and attention, a hobby
transitive verb
  1. To concern deeply
  2. To cause to have an interest
  3. To engage the attention of
  4. To awaken concern in
  5. To excite the curiosity of
ORIGIN: From interess, influenced by OFr interest, L interest, it concerns, 3rd person singular present indicative of interesse, from inter between, among, and esse to be

inˈterested adjective

  1. Having an interest or concern
  2. Affected or biased by personal considerations, self-interest, etc

inˈterestedly adverb

inˈterestedness noun

inˈteresting (old /-estˈ/) adjective

  1. Engaging or apt to engage the attention or regard
  2. Exciting emotion or passion

inˈterestingly adverb

inˈterestingness noun

interest-freeˈ adjective and adverb

With no interest charged on money borrowed

interest group noun

A number of people grouped together to further or protect a common interest

interest rate noun

A charge made on borrowed money, usu expressed as a percentage to be repaid annually

compound interest see under compound1

in an interesting condition, state or situation

Old-fashioned euphemisms for pregnant

in the interest(s) of

With a view to furthering or to helping

make interest for (obsolete)

To secure favour for

simple interest see under simple





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