单词 | Theobroma |
释义 | theo- /thē-ō-, -ə- or -o-/combining formDenoting god ORIGIN: Gr theos a god Theobroma /-brōˈmə/ noun (Gr brōma food) the chocolate or cocoa genus theobrōˈmine /-mēn, -mīn, -min/ noun An alkaloid obtained from the chocolate seed, used in medicine theocenˈtric adjective Having god as its centre theocracy /thē-okˈrə-si/ noun
theocrasy /thē-okˈrə-si, thē-ō-krāˈsi/ noun
theocrat /thēˈə-krat/ noun A divine or deified ruler theocratˈic or theocratˈical adjective theocratˈically adverb theodicean /thē-od-i-sēˈən/ noun and adjective (a person) practising theodicy theodˈicy noun (Gr dikē justice) a vindication of the justice of God in establishing a world in which evil exists theogonic /thē-ə-gonˈik/ or theogonˈical adjective Of or relating to theogony or a theogony theogˈonist noun A writer on theogony theogony /thē-ogˈə-ni/ noun
theolinguisˈtics singular noun The study of the language of religious theory and practice theologaster /-gasˈtər/ noun A shallow theologian theolˈogate /-gət/ noun A seminary for Roman Catholic priests theolˈoger /-jər/ noun (sometimes derogatory) A theologian theologian /thē-ə-lōˈjyən/ noun A student of, or a person well versed, in theology, esp (in Roman Catholic usage) a theological lecturer attached to a cathedral or collegiate church theologic /thē-ə-lojˈik/ or theologˈical adjective (theological virtues faith, hope and charity) theologˈically adverb theolˈogist noun (rare) A theologian theolˈogize or theolˈogise transitive verb To render theological, to treat theologically intransitive verbTo discourse, speculate, etc, on theology theolˈogizer or theolˈogiser noun theologoumenon /thē-ə-lə-gooˈmə-non/ noun (pl theologouˈmena) (Gr, from theologein to talk about God) a theological statement that is not agreed to be a divine revelation or an inspired doctrine thēˈologue /-log/ noun
theology /thē-olˈə-ji/ noun
theomachist /thē-omˈə-kist/ noun theomˈachy noun
theomancy /thēˈə-man-si/ noun (Gr theomanteiā spirit of prophecy, from manteiā divination) divination by means of oracles, or of persons directly inspired immediately by some divinity theomania /-māˈni-ə/ noun
theomāˈniac noun theomanˈtic adjective Of or relating to theomancy theomorphic /-mörˈfik/ adjective
theomorˈphism noun theonˈomous adjective theonˈomy noun
Theopaschite /-pasˈkīt/ noun (Gr paschein to suffer) a Monophysite, believing that God had suffered and been crucified Theopaschitic /-kitˈik/ adjective Theopasˈchitism /-ki-tizm/ noun theopathetˈic adjective Of or relating to theopathy theopathy /thē-opˈə-thi/ noun (Gr pathos experience, emotion) a religious emotion aroused by meditation about God theophagous /thē-ofˈə-gəs/ adjective theophˈagy /-ji/ noun (Gr phagein to eat) the sacramental eating of a god theophanic /thē-ə-fanˈik/ adjective theophany /thē-ofˈə-ni/ noun (Gr theophaneiā a vision of God, exhibition of gods' statues, from phainein to show) a manifestation or appearance of deity to man theophilanthropˈic adjective theophilanˈthropism noun theophilanˈthropist noun theophilanthropy /-fi-lanˈthrə-pi/ noun (Fr théophilanthropie love to God and man; cf philanthropy) a deistical system of religion drawn up under the French Directory in 1796, and designed to take the place of Christianity theophobia /-fōˈbi-ə/ noun
theophōˈbiac or theophobist /-ofˈə-bist/ noun theophorˈic adjective Derived from or bearing the name of a god theopneust /thēˈop-nūst/ or theopneuˈstic adjective (Gr theopneustos, from pneustos inspired, from pneein to breathe) divinely inspired theopneustˈy noun Divine inspiration theosoph /thēˈə-sof/, theosˈopher or theosˈophist noun Someone who practises or believes in theosophy theosophˈic or theosophˈical adjective theosophˈically adverb theosˈophism noun Theosophical tenets theosophistˈical adjective
theosˈophize or theosˈophise intransitive verb To practise theosophy theosophy /thē-osˈə-fi/ noun
theotechnic /-tekˈnik/ adjective theotechˈny noun (Gr technē art) the employment of gods as the machinery or moving forces of a poem theotokos /thē-otˈə-kos/ noun (Gr theotokos, from -tokos having given birth to, from tiktein to give birth to) the mother of God, a title of the Virgin Mary repudiated by Nestorius, accepted by the Council of Ephesus |
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