

单词 climatized

acclimatize or acclimatise /ə-klīˈmə-tīz/, also (US) acclimate /ə-klīˈmət or akˈlī- or -li-/, climatize or acclimatise /ə-klīˈmə-tīz/, also (US) acclimate /ə-klīˈmət or akˈlī- or -li-/, climatise /klīˈmə-tīz/

transitive verb

To accustom (a person, animal, plant, etc) to a new climate or environment

intransitive verb

To become acclimatized

ORIGIN: Fr acclimater, from à to, and climat climate

acclīˈmatīzable or acclīˈmatīsable adjective

acclīmatīzāˈtion or acclīmatīsāˈtion, also acclīmatāˈtion or acclimāˈtion /ak-lī- or -li-/ noun

acclīˈmatizer or acclīˈmatiser noun

climate /klīˈmit or -mət/

  1. The condition of a country or place with regard to temperature, moisture, etc (also figurative)
  2. The character of something (figurative)
  3. A region (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb (Shakespeare)

To remain in a certain place

ORIGIN: Fr climat, from L clima, from Gr klima, -atos slope, from klīnein to slope

clīˈmatal adjective

clīmatic /-matˈik/ or clīmatˈical adjective

clīmatˈically adverb

clīˈmatize or clīˈmatise transitive verb see acclimatize

clīmatographˈical adjective

clīmatogˈraphy noun

A description of climates

clīmatologˈical adjective

clīmatolˈogist noun

clīmatolˈogy noun

The science of climates, or an investigation of the causes on which the climate of a place depends

clīˈmature noun (Shakespeare)

A region

climate control noun


climate of opinion

The critical atmosphere or complex of opinions prevalent at a particular time or in a particular place





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