

单词 climactically

climax /klīˈmaks/

  1. (of a story, play, piece of music, etc) the most interesting and important or exciting part
  2. A culmination
  3. Sexual orgasm
  4. The arranging of discourse in order of increasing strength (rhetoric)
  5. Loosely, the last term of the rhetorical arrangement
  6. The relatively stable culmination of a series of plant and animal communities developing in an area (also climax community)
intransitive verb
  1. To ascend in a climax
  2. To culminate (in)
  3. To experience sexual orgasm
transitive verb

To bring to a climax

ORIGIN: Gr klīmax, -akos a ladder, from klīnein to slope

climactˈic or climactˈical adjective

Relating to a climax

climactˈically adverb





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