

单词 civil war

civil /sivˈil/

  1. Relating to the community
  2. Polite (in any degree short of discourtesy)
  3. Relating to ordinary life, not military
  4. Lay, secular, temporal, not ecclesiastical
  5. Relating to the individual citizen
  6. Relating to private relations amongst citizens, and such suits as arise out of these (cf criminal) (law)
  7. Naturally good, as opposed to good through regeneration (theology)
ORIGIN: L cīvīlis, from cīvis citizen

civilˈian noun and adjective

  1. (a person) engaged in civil as distinguished from military and naval pursuits
  2. (a professor or student) of civil law, as opposed to canon law

civilˈianize or civilˈianise transitive verb

  1. To convert from military to civilian use
  2. To replace military personnel in (a factory, etc) by civilians

civˈilist noun (archaic)

A person versed in civil law

civilˈity noun

  1. Politeness
  2. (often in pl) an act of politeness
  3. Civilization (archaic)
  4. Good breeding (obsolete)

civˈilly adverb

civˈism noun

  1. Good citizenship
  2. The state of being favourably inclined to French Revolution principles

civil aviation noun

Non-military flying, esp commercial airlines and their operation

civil commotion noun

A term used in insurance policies denoting a state of civil unrest between riot and civil war

civil day, civil year or civil time noun

The day, year or time, as reckoned for ordinary purposes

civil death noun (law)

Formerly, the loss of all civil and legal privileges

civil defence noun

A civilian service for the wartime protection of the civilian population against enemy attack

civil disobedience noun

Refusal to obey laws and regulations, pay taxes, etc, used as non-violent means of forcing concessions from government

civil engineer noun

A person who plans and builds railways, roads, bridges, docks, etc, as opposed to a military engineer, or to a mechanical engineer

civil engineering noun

civil law noun

The law laid down by a state regarding the rights of the inhabitants, esp that founded on Roman law (cf criminal law)

civil liberty noun

(often in pl) personal freedom of thought, word, action, etc

civil list noun

  1. Formerly, a list of charges for civil government purposes
  2. Now a fixed annual sum provided by Parliament to meet the sovereign's expenses incurred as head of state (civil list pensions those granted by royal favour)

civil marriage noun

A marriage performed by an official who is not a clergyman and involving a civil contract without religious ceremony and vows

civil partnership or civil union noun

An agreement between two people, usu of the same sex, giving them a legal status similar to that of a married couple

civil rights plural noun

(often with caps) the rights of a citizen to personal freedom, ie political, racial, legal, social, etc

civil-rightsˈ adjective

civil servant noun

A person who works in the civil service, the paid service of the state chiefly in public administration (other than military, naval, legislative and judicial)

civˈil-suited adjective (Milton)

Sombrely clad

civil twilight noun (astronomy)

The interval of time during which the sun is between the horizon and 6º below the horizon, morning and evening

civil union see civil partnership above.

civil war noun

A war between citizens of the same state

civil year see under year

war1 /wör/

  1. A state of conflict
  2. A contest between states, or between parties within a state (civil war) carried on by arms
  3. Any long-continued struggle, often against or between impersonal forces (figurative)
  4. Fighting (poetic)
  5. Open hostility
  6. The profession of arms
  7. An army, or war equipment (rare; poetic)
  8. A contest, conflict
intransitive verb (warrˈing; warred)
  1. To make war
  2. To carry on war
  3. To contend

Of, characteristic of, resulting from, or relating to war

ORIGIN: Late OE and ONFr werre (OFr and Fr guerre), from OHGer werra quarrel

warˈlike adjective

  1. Fond of war
  2. Bellicose
  3. Of or relating to war
  4. Martial, military
  5. Equipped for fighting (obsolete)
  6. Intended for use in war (obsolete)

warˈlikeness noun

war baby noun

  1. A baby born during a war, esp a serviceman's illegitimate child
  2. Any discreditable or troublesome result of war

warˈbird noun (informal)

A vintage military aircraft

war bonnet noun

A headdress, often with long trailing chains of feathers, worn by members of certain Native American tribes

war bride noun

A soldier's bride, met as a result of wartime movements or postings

war chest noun

Funds set aside to pay for a war, political campaign, etc

war cloud noun

  1. A cloud of smoke and dust over a battlefield
  2. A sign that war is threatening or impending (figurative)

war correspondent noun

A journalist or other person assigned to a war zone so as to give first-hand reports of events

war crime noun

A crime connected with war, esp one that violates the code of war

war criminal noun

war cry noun

  1. A cry used in battle for encouragement or as a signal
  2. A slogan (figurative)

war dance noun

  1. A dance engaged in by some peoples before going to war
  2. A dance imitating the actions of a battle

War Department noun

The name borne 1784–1857 by what became the War Office, still used in speaking of property such as stores or land

warˈdog noun

  1. A dog used in war
  2. An old warrior
  3. A war hawk

war drum noun

  1. A drum beaten as a summons to war, or during a battle
  2. A rumbling or threat of impending war (figurative)

warˈfare noun

  1. (from fare (n)) the activity of engaging in, waging, or carrying on war
  2. Armed conflict
  3. Conflict, struggle or feuding of any kind

intransitive verb (obsolete; lit and figurative)

To wage war

warˈfarer noun

warˈfaring adjective and noun

war game noun

  1. A mock or imaginary battle or military exercise used to train personnel in tactics, a kriegspiel
  2. A game, esp with detailed rules and using models, in which players enact historical or imaginary battles, etc

warˈ-gamer noun

A player of or participant in war games

war gas noun (chem)

Any poisonous or irritant gaseous chemical substance used in warfare or riot control deliberately to harm or temporarily disable those exposed to it

war god or war goddess noun

A deity who presides over war, assigning victory or defeat, etc

war hawk noun

Someone eager for war

warˈhead noun

The section of a torpedo or other missile containing the explosive material

warˈhorse noun

  1. A charger, a horse used in battle
  2. An old warrior in any field of conflict
  3. Any standard, familiar, reliable, much-performed piece of music, play, etc

war kettle noun

Among Native Americans, a kettle set on the fire as part of the ceremony of going to war

war loan noun

A loan raised to pay for a war

warˈlord noun (now usu derogatory)

A commander or commander-in-chief, esp where and when the military power is great

war machine noun

  1. A machine used in warfare
  2. The combined technical and administrative military resources mobilized by a country, alliance, etc in order to engage in war

warˈman noun (rare)

A warrior

war memorial noun

A monument erected to the memory of those (esp from a particular locality) who died in a war

warˈmonger noun

  1. A mercenary soldier (Spenser)
  2. Someone who encourages war, esp for personal gain

warˈmongering noun and adjective

war neurosis noun

A more accurate term for shellshock

war note noun (poetic)

A summons to war

war of attrition noun

A conflict in which both sides are worn down over a long period, with no decisive battles

War Office noun

  1. A former department of the civil government, headed by the Secretary of State for War (since 1964 under the Ministry of Defence)
  2. The former premises of the department in Whitehall

war of nerves noun

Systematic attempts to undermine morale by means of threats, rumours and counter-rumours, etc

war paint noun

  1. Paint applied to the face and body by primitive peoples, indicating that they are going to war
  2. Full dress, or finery, esp a woman's make-up (informal)

warˈpath noun

Among the Native Americans, the path followed on a military expedition, or the expedition itself (on the warpath engaged in conflict, in a mood for battle)

warˈplane noun

Any aircraft designed or intended for use in warfare

warˈ-proof noun (rare)

A valour proved in war


Able to withstand attack

warˈship noun

An armed vessel for use in war

war song noun

  1. A song sung by men about to fight
  2. A song celebrating brave deeds in war

warˈtime noun

A period during which a war is being fought


Of, relating to or characteristic of a time of war

war trial noun

The trial of a person accused of war crimes

warˈ-wastˈed adjective

Ravaged by war

warˈ-weaˈried or warˈ-weaˈry adjective

Tired of or exhausted by war

war whoop noun

A cry uttered on going into battle

war widow noun

A woman whose husband has been killed in war

warˈwolf noun

  1. A medieval siege engine
  2. A fierce warrior (Walter Scott)
  3. See also werewolf

warˈ-worn adjective

Wearied, worn, wasted, ravaged or marked by war

carry the war into the enemy's camp or country

To take the offensive boldly (lit and figurative)

civil war see under civil

cold war see under cold

declare war

  1. (with on or against) to announce formally that one is about to begin hostilities
  2. To set oneself to get rid of (figurative)

go to the wars (archaic)

To go to fight in a foreign country

go to war

To resort to armed conflict

have been in the wars (figurative)

To show signs of injury

holy war see under holy

make or wage war

To carry on hostilities

private war

Warfare between people in their individual capacity, eg by duelling, family feuds, etc

total war

War with every weapon at the combatant's disposal, sticking at nothing and sparing no one





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