

单词 change one's mind

change /chānj/

transitive verb
  1. To alter or make different
  2. To give or receive for another or for an equivalent
  3. To cause to move or to pass from one state to another
  4. To exchange or replace
intransitive verb
  1. To undergo change
  2. To change one's clothes
  3. To transfer from (one bus, train, etc) to another
  1. The act of changing
  2. Alteration or variation of any kind
  3. Exchange (archaic)
  4. Fickleness (archaic)
  5. A shift
  6. Variety
  7. Money given for money of a different kind, or in adjustment of a payment
  8. Coins of low value (collectively)
  9. Satisfaction (informal)
  10. An exchange (now usu 'change)
  11. Any of the various orders in which a peal of bells can be rung
ORIGIN: Fr changer, from L cambīre to barter

changeabilˈity or changeˈableness noun

  1. Fickleness
  2. The power of being changed

changeˈable adjective

  1. Subject or prone to change
  2. Fickle
  3. Inconstant
  4. Able to or capable of change
  5. Showing variation of colour

changeˈably adverb

changeˈful adjective

  1. Full of change
  2. Changeable

changeˈfully adverb

changeˈfulness noun

changeˈless adjective

  1. Without change
  2. Constant

changeˈlessly adverb

changeˈlessness noun

changeˈling noun

  1. A surreptitious substitute
  2. A child substituted for another, esp one supposed to be left by the fairies
  3. Hence, an undersized crabbed child
  4. A half-witted person (archaic)
  5. A person apt to change (archaic)

chāngˈer noun

  1. Someone or something that changes the form of anything
  2. A person employed in changing or discounting money (obsolete)

changeˈ-house noun (Scot)

A small inn or alehouse

changeˈover noun

  1. Transition to a new system, position or condition
  2. The act or process of passing over, exchanging or transferring from one to another

change point noun (surveying)

A staff station to which two sights are taken, a foresight and a backsight (also called turning point)

change-ringing see ring the changes below.

changeˈ-up noun (baseball)

A slower pitch, thrown to deceive the batter

changˈing-piece noun (Shakespeare)

A fickle person

changing room noun

A room or cubicle set aside for the use of people changing clothes

change colour

To blush or turn pale

change down (motoring)

To change to a lower gear

change face (surveying)

To rotate a theodolite telescope about its horizontal axis so as to change the sighting from left to right or vice versa

change front (military)

  1. To change the direction of fire of (troops, artillery, etc)
  2. To alter one's opinion

change gear

  1. To select a higher or lower gear (motoring)
  2. To increase or decrease the pace of activity (figurative)

change hands

To be transferred from one owner to another

change of air

A different climate or environment (also figurative)

change of heart

A change of attitude, viewpoint or opinion, often resulting in the reversal of a decision

change of life

The time of a woman's life at which menstruation is about to cease, the menopause

change of state (physics)

Any change in the state of matter, eg from solid to liquid, liquid to gas, etc

change oneself (now only Scot)

To change one's clothes

change one's mind

To form a different opinion

change one's tune

  1. To change one's attitudes or opinions
  2. To change one's manner of speaking

change over

  1. To change from one system, position, or attitude to another
  2. To exchange or transfer

change up (motoring)

To change to a higher gear

get no change out of (informal)

To be unsuccessful in attempts to obtain concessions, information, co-operation, etc from (a person or organization)

put the change on (old and dialect)

To delude or trick

ring the changes

  1. To go through all the possible permutations in ringing a peal of bells (changeˈ-ringing noun)
  2. To perform a repeated action or actions in varying ways, order, etc

small change

  1. (collectively) coins of low value
  2. A petty thing (informal)

the change same as change of life above.

mind /mīnd/

  1. The state of thought and feeling
  2. Wits, right senses, sanity
  3. Consciousness
  4. Intellect
  5. That which thinks, knows, feels, and wills
  6. Inclination
  7. Attention
  8. Direction of the will
  9. Soul
  10. Personality
  11. A thinking or directing person
  12. Memory
  13. Commemoration (archaic or RC)
  14. Record, mention (obsolete)
  15. Thought
  16. Judgement
  17. Opinion
  18. Purpose (Shakespeare and Milton)
transitive verb
  1. To attend to
  2. To tend, have care or oversight of
  3. To be careful about
  4. To beware of
  5. To remind (archaic and Scot)
  6. To bring to mind (Spenser)
  7. To remember (Scot)
  8. (reflexive) to remember (with of; archaic)
  9. To purpose (Shakespeare)
  10. To have a mind to (dialect)
  11. To apply oneself to
  12. To be troubled by, object to, dislike
  13. To notice (obsolete or dialect)
intransitive verb
  1. To attend
  2. To care
  3. To look out, take heed
  4. To be troubled, object
  5. To remember (with of; dialect)

Be careful, watch out

ORIGIN: OE gemynd, from munan to think; Dan minde memorial, L mēns the mind

mindˈed adjective

  1. Inclined
  2. Disposed
combining form

Denoting having a mind of a specified kind or inclination

-mindedness combining form

Denoting inclination

mindˈer noun

  1. A person who minds a machine, child, etc
  2. A bodyguard, orig and esp of a criminal (slang)
  3. An aide or adviser employed by a public figure, esp to manage publicity (informal)
  4. A child left to be minded (archaic)
  5. A short wooden stick used by a child to propel a hoop

mindˈful adjective

  1. Bearing in mind
  2. Taking thought or care
  3. Attentive
  4. Observant
  5. Having memory (archaic)
  6. Inclined (obsolete)

mindˈfully adverb

mindˈfulness noun

A method of reducing stress by developing awareness of one's own mental condition and focusing the attention on the present

mindˈing noun (Scot)

  1. A memory, something recalled
  2. A usu small gift, to mark an occasion or in remembrance of the giver

mindˈless adjective

  1. Without mind
  2. Senseless, without reason
  3. Unmindful

mindˈlessly adverb

mindˈlessness noun

mindˈ-altering adjective

(of a drug) causing violent changes of mood and behaviour

mindˈ-bender noun

A brainteaser, a puzzle

mindˈ-bending adjective

  1. Mind-boggling
  2. Forcing the mind to unwonted effort, teasing the brain
  3. Permanently inclining the mind towards certain beliefs, etc

mindˈ-blowing adjective

  1. (of a drug) producing a state of ecstasy
  2. (of an experience, etc) producing a similar state, exhilarating
  3. Astonishing

mindˈ-blowingly adverb

mind-bodˈy adjective

Relating to or designating the connection between the mind and the physical body

mindˈ-boggling adjective

  1. Astonishing
  2. Incomprehensible

mindˈ-bogglingly adverb

mindˈ-cure or mindˈ-healing noun

The cure or healing of mental or physical illness through the mind or by the supposed influence of another's mind

mindˈ-curer or mindˈ-healer noun

mindˈ-expanding adjective

(of a drug) causing heightened perception, psychedelic

mindˈfuck noun (vulgar sl)

  1. An exhilarating experience
  2. A sense or state of euphoria

mind mapping noun

A technique for stimulating and organizing one's thoughts by writing down key concepts and linking them with lines to show the relationships between them

mindˈ-numbing adjective (informal)

Causing extreme boredom

mindˈ-numblingly adverb

mindˈ-reader noun

A thought-reader, a psychic

mindˈ-reading noun

mindˈset noun

(a fixed) attitude or habit of mind

mind's eye noun

Visual imagination, mental view, contemplation

mind-your-own-busˈiness noun

A Mediterranean plant (Helxine soleirolii) of the nettle family, having small, roundish leaves and producing tiny flowers (also called baby's-tears)

absence of mind

Inattention to what is going on owing to absorption of the mind in other things

bear in mind see under bear1

blow one's or someone's mind see under blow1

break one's mind (obsolete)

To make known, confide or divulge one's thoughts

cast one's mind back

To think about, try to recall past events, etc

change one's mind

To come to a new resolution or opinion

cross someone's mind see under cross

do you mind?

  1. An interjection expressing annoyance or disagreement
  2. (also would you mind?) do you object?

have a good or (archaic) great mind (to)

To wish or to be inclined strongly (to)

have a mind of one's own

To be strong-willed and independent, unwilling to be persuaded or dissuaded by others

have half a mind (to)

To be somewhat inclined (to)

if you don't mind

If you have no objection

in (or of) two minds

Wavering, undecided

know one's own mind

  1. To be sure of one's intentions and opinions
  2. To be self-assured

make up one's mind

To come to a decision

mind one's p's and q's

To be watchfully accurate and punctilious

mind out

(often with for) to beware (of), look out (for)

mind you

An expression used to introduce a qualification added to something already said

mind your eye (slang)

Look out

mind your own business

This is not your concern

month's mind

  1. A commemoration by masses one month after death or burial
  2. A strong desire or inclination

never mind

  1. Do not concern yourself or be upset
  2. It does not matter
  3. You are not to be told

of one (or a, or the same) mind

In accord, agreed

of two minds

Uncertain what to think or do

on one's mind

In one's thoughts, esp as a cause of concern

out of mind

  1. Forgotten
  2. Out of one's thoughts

out of one's mind


piece of one's mind see under piece

presence of mind

A state of mental calmness in which all the powers of the mind are on the alert and ready for action

put in mind (of)

To remind (of)

put out of one's mind

To think no more about, forget about

set one's mind on

To be determined to have or attain

set or put one's mind to

To focus one's attention on

speak one's mind

To say plainly what one thinks

take someone's mind off

To distract someone from

time out of mind

From time immemorial

to my, etc mind

  1. To my, etc thinking, in my, etc opinion
  2. To my, etc liking

year's mind

A commemorative service on the anniversary of a death or burial





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