cannon /kanˈən/ noun- A great gun usu mounted on wheels (historical; pl cannˈons or cannˈon)
- A rapid-firing, large-calibre gun fitted to an aeroplane, ship or helicopter gunship (pl cannˈons or cannˈon)
- A heavy tube or drum, esp one able to rotate freely on a shaft
- A cannon bone
- A cannon bit
- A stroke in which the cue ball hits both the red and the opponent's ball (also (esp N American) carom; billiards)
- A similar stroke in snooker and certain other games
- The metal loop at the top of a bell
intransitive verb- To cannonade
- To make a cannon (billiards and snooker)
- To strike on the rebound
- To collide (usu with into)
transitive verb To collide with ORIGIN: Fr canon, augmentative, from L canna a reed cannonadeˈ noun An attack with heavy artillery transitive verb and intransitive verb To attack or batter continuously with heavy artillery cannoneerˈ or cannonierˈ noun - A soldier who managed and fired a cannon (historical)
- An artilleryman
cannˈonry noun - An attack or volley of heavy artillery fire
- Artillery
cannˈonball noun - A ball to be shot from a cannon (historical)
- Something resembling this in appearance, weight or force, eg a fast serve in tennis
intransitive verb To move rapidly with great force canˈnonball-tree noun A S American tree (Couroupita guianensis) with a large woody fruit cannon bit noun A smooth round bit (of a bridle) cannon bone noun - A bone below the knee or hock in hoofed mammals, formed by the fusion of the persisting metacarpals or metatarsals
- (in birds) the tarsometatarsus
cannon fodder noun Men in a (usu) large army, regarded merely as material to be expended in war cannˈon-game noun A form of billiards in which, the table having no pockets, the game consists in making a series of cannons cannˈon-metal noun Gun-metal cannˈon-proof adjective Able to withstand cannon-shot cannˈon-shot noun - A cannonball
- The distance to which a cannon will throw a cannonball