

单词 anywhither

any /enˈi/

adjective and pronoun
  1. One (unspecified)
  2. Some
  3. Whichever, no matter which

(usu with a compar adj) at all, to an appreciable extent

ORIGIN: OE ǣnig, from ān one

anˈybody noun and pronoun

  1. Any single person
  2. A person of any account

anˈyhow adverb

  1. In any way whatever
  2. In any case, at least
  3. Indifferently, carelessly

anˈyone (or any one) noun and pronoun

  1. Anybody at all
  2. Anybody whatever

anˈyplace adverb (N Am inf)


anˈyroad adverb (dialect)


anˈything noun and pronoun

A thing (unspecified), as opposed to nothing


To any extent

anythingāˈrian noun

A person with no beliefs in particular

anythingāˈrianism noun

anˈytime adverb

At any time

anˈyway or (dialect, esp US) anˈyways adverb

  1. Anyhow
  2. In any case
  3. In any manner (archaic)

anˈywhen adverb (rare or dialect)

anˈywhere adverb

  1. In or to any place
  2. In any range, to any extent, eg anywhere near, anywhere between

anˈywheres adverb (N Am dialect)


anˈywhither adverb (archaic; rare)

anˈywise adverb (now chiefly US)

In any manner, to any degree

any amount (informal)

A lot

any day

In any circumstances

any more

Any longer

any old

Any, with connotations of indifference, lack of thought, etc (any old how without any special care; any old thing anything at all)

anyone else

Any other person

anything but

Certainly not, by no means

anything goes

Any sort of behaviour, dress, person, etc is tolerated or accepted

as … as anything

To a very great extent

at any rate

  1. Whatever may happen
  2. At all events

be anybody's

To be sexually available to all

if anything

Used to introduce a contradiction or qualification to an earlier statement

like anything

  1. Very much
  2. With great vigour





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