

单词 be that as it may



Bill of exchange

be /bē/

intransitive verb (prp bēˈing; pap been /bēn or bin/; present subjunctive be; archaic and dialect present indicative be (see am, art2, is, are1); for pat see was, wast1, were, wert)
  1. To live
  2. To exist
  3. To happen, take place
  4. To occupy a position in space
  5. To have the state or quality mentioned
  6. To remain or continue without change
  7. (with infinitive) must, need (to)
  8. ‘be’ also helps form some compound tenses, such as continuous and passive
ORIGIN: OE bēon; Ger bin (1st pers); Gaelic bi exist; Welsh byw live; Gr phyein produce, grow; L fuī I was, fīō I become; Sans bhavati he is; orig to grow

beˈ-all noun (Shakespeare)

All that is to be

be-all and end-all noun

The supreme aim or issue

be that as it may see under may1

may1 /mā/

auxiliary v (infinitive and participles obsolete; 2nd pers sing (archaic) mayst or mayˈest; 3rd pers may; pat might /mīt/ or (obsolete or dialect) mought /mowt/ (also used instead of may to make a possibility more remote, a question more tentative, or to make requests or administer rebukes); 2nd pers sing (archaic) mightˈest or mightst)

Expressing ability, possibility or contingency, permission or competence, probability, concession, purpose or result, a wish, or uncertainty (used with infinitive without to)

ORIGIN: OE mæg, prt (old pat) of magan to be able, pat mihte; cognate with Gothic magan, Ger mögen

mayˈhap (or /-hapˈ/) adverb (archaic)


be that as it may

In spite of that

come what may

Whatever transpires

may (or might) as well

Used to make suggestions or to indicate frustration or despair

may I add or it may be added

Used to introduce an additional point

may I ask (usu ironic)

Used before or after a question

that's as may be

That may be so





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