

单词 want

want1 /wont/

  1. The state or fact of being without something or of having an insufficient quantity
  2. Absence or deficiency of necessities
  3. Poverty
  4. (in pl) difficult or straitened circumstances (obsolete)
  5. A lack, deficiency
  6. A blemish (obsolete)
  7. A defect, feebleness, in intelligence, as in have a want (Scot)
  8. (in pl) requirements or desires
transitive verb
  1. To be destitute of or deficient in
  2. To lack, be without (Shakespeare, Macbeth III.6.8, who cannot want, for who can want, the thought?)
  3. To feel need of, desire
  4. To require, need
  5. To fall short of something by (a specified amount)
  6. To dispense with, do without (now dialect)
intransitive verb
  1. To be deficient, entirely lacking (archaic)
  2. To be in need or destitution (old)
  3. To lack (with for; old)
ORIGIN: ON vant, neuter of vanr lacking, and vanta to lack

wantˈage noun (US)

Deficiency, shortage

wantˈed adjective

  1. Lacking
  2. Needed
  3. Desired
  4. Searched for, esp by the police

wantˈer noun

Someone who wants

wantˈing adjective

  1. Absent, missing, lacking
  2. Deficient (with in, or, obsolete, with of)
  3. Failing to help, do justice to, come up to (with to; old)
  4. Slow to (with infinitive; obsolete)
  5. Below the desired or expected standard, in the phrase found wanting
  6. Mentally defective (dialect)
  7. Poor, needy (obsolete)

Without, lacking, less

want ad noun (chiefly US)

A small advertisement, esp in a newspaper, specifying goods, property, employment, etc required by the advertiser

wantˈ-wit noun

A fool, someone lacking common sense (also adjective)

want in, out, up, down, etc (informal)

To want to get in, out, etc

want2 /wont/ (dialect)


A mole

ORIGIN: OE wand; cf Norw vand; prob same root as wind2 and wend

wantˈ-catcher noun

wantˈhill noun





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