单词 | uro- |
释义 | uro-1 /ū-rō-, -rə- or -ro-/combining formDenoting urine ORIGIN: Gr ouron urine; cf L ūrīna ūˈrochrome noun The yellow pigment in urine urodynamˈics singular noun The study of urine flow urogenˈital adjective Urinogenital urogˈenous adjective
urographˈic adjective urogˈraphy noun Radiological examination of the urinary tract urokīˈnase (or /-kinˈ/) noun An enzyme, found in human urine, which dissolves blood clots, used in the treatment of pulmonary embolisms urolagˈnia noun Sexual arousal caused by, or associated with, urination or urine ūˈrolith noun (medicine) A calculus in the urine or the urinary tract urolithīˈasis noun (medicine)
ūrolithˈic adjective urologˈic or urologˈical adjective urolˈogist noun urolˈogy noun
uropoiēˈsis noun Formation of urine uroscopˈic adjective urosˈcopist noun urosˈcopy noun Diagnostic examination of urine urōˈsis noun Disease of the urinary organs urosˈtomy noun An artificial opening made in part of the urinary tract, with a passage constructed out through the skin or to another organ, allowing urine to be drained uro-2 /ū-rō-, -rə- or -ro-/combining form
ORIGIN: Gr ourā tail uroboros see ouroboros. ūˈrochord /-körd/ noun
urochorˈdal adjective urochorˈdate adjective and noun Urodēˈla plural noun (Gr dēlos clear, plain) the (permanently) tailed Amphibia, eg newts and salamanders urodēˈlan or ūˈrodele noun and adjective urodēˈlous adjective ūˈromere noun (Gr meros part) an abdominal segment of an arthropod ūˈropod noun An abdominal appendage of an arthropod, esp just before the telson ūˈrosome noun (see -some2) the tail region urostege /ūˈrə-stēj/ or urostegite /ū-rosˈti-jīt/ noun (Gr stegē roof, deck) a snake's ventral tail-plate urosthenˈic adjective (Gr sthenos strength) having a tail developed for propulsion ūˈrostyle noun (Gr stȳlos column) a prolongation of the last vertebra in frogs, toads, etc |
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