

单词 voluminousnesses

volume /volˈūm/

  1. Quantity, bulk
  2. Cubic capacity
  3. A large quantity
  4. A quantity considered in terms of its bulk
  5. Fullness of tone
  6. Loudness, or the control for adjusting it on a radio, etc
  7. A book, whether complete in itself or part of a larger work
  8. A roll or scroll, which was the form of ancient books
  9. A fixed amount of storage on a disk or tape (computing)
  10. Anything (esp in the natural world) that may be studied like a book (archaic)
intransitive verb (archaic)

To swell, rise, roll

transitive verb (archaic)
  1. To send out in volumes, or in great quantity
  2. To make into or bind into a volume

Of or concerned with large volumes or amounts

ORIGIN: Fr, from L volūmen, -inis a roll, from volvere, volūtum to roll

volˈumed adjective

  1. Having the form of a volume or roll
  2. Bulky
combining form

Denoting consisting of (esp a specified number of) volumes

volumenomˈeter or volumomˈeter noun

An instrument for measuring the volume of a solid body by the quantity of fluid it displaces

voluˈmeter noun

An instrument for measuring the volumes of gases and liquids

volumetˈric or volumetˈrical adjective

volumetˈrically adverb

voluˈminal adjective

Relating to cubic capacity

voluminosˈity noun

Extensiveness of writing

voluˈminous adjective

  1. Bulky, filling much space
  2. In many volumes
  3. Capable of filling many volumes
  4. Having written much, as an author
  5. Consisting of many coils, windings or folds

voluˈminously adverb

voluˈminousness noun

volˈumist noun (rare)

An author

volˈumize or volˈumise transitive verb

To give extra body to (hair)

volˈumizer or volˈumiser noun

volumetric analysis noun

The estimation of the amount of a particular constituent present in a compound by determining the quantity of a standard solution required to satisfy a reaction in a known quantity of the compound

speak or express, etc volumes

To mean much, to be very significant





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