

单词 victimizers

victim /vikˈtim/

  1. A living being offered as a sacrifice
  2. A living being subjected to death, suffering, or ill-treatment
  3. A prey
  4. A sufferer
ORIGIN: L victima a beast for sacrifice

vicˈtimhood noun

victimīzāˈtion or victimīsāˈtion noun

vicˈtimize or vicˈtimise transitive verb

  1. To make a victim of
  2. To single out for oppressive treatment
  3. To cheat

vicˈtimizer or vicˈtimiser noun

vicˈtimless adjective

(of crimes) involving no injured party, such as loitering, drunkenness, etc

victimolˈogist noun

victimolˈogy noun

The behavioural study of victims of crime, to discover the psychological effects on them, and their role in its commission





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