

单词 ventricles

ventricle /venˈtri-kl/ (anatomy)

  1. Either of the two lower contractile chambers of the heart, the right ventricle receiving venous blood from the right atrium and pumping it into the pulmonary loop for oxygenation, the left receiving oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumping it into the arterial system for circulation round the body
  2. Any of various other cavities in the body, eg one of the four main cavities of the brain
  3. The stomach (obsolete)
  4. The womb (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: L ventriculus, dimin of venter belly

ventricˈūlar adjective

  1. Of or of the nature of a ventricle
  2. Abdominal

venˈtricule or ventricˈūlus noun (pl venˈtricules or ventricˈūlī)

A ventricle

ventriculogˈraphy noun (medicine)

Radiography of the heart or brain after the introduction of a contrast medium (in the latter case usu air) into the ventricle(s)

ventricular fibrillation noun

Unco-ordinated rapid electric activity of a heart ventricle





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