

单词 tropological

trope /trōp/

  1. A figure of speech, properly one in which a word or expression is used in other than its literal sense, eg metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche or irony
  2. A short cadence peculiar to Gregorian melodies
  3. A phrase formerly interpolated in different parts of the mass
transitive verb

To provide with tropes

ORIGIN: Gr tropos a turn, from trepein to turn

tropˈical adjective

tropˈist noun

  1. A user of tropes
  2. Someone who understands the Bible as having a figurative significance

tropologˈic or tropologˈical adjective

tropologˈically adverb

tropolˈogy noun

  1. Figurative language
  2. A moral interpretation of the Bible





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