

单词 traditional

tradition /trə-dishˈən/

  1. The, esp oral, passing from generation to generation of tales, beliefs, practices, etc
  2. A tale, belief or practice thus handed down
  3. A collection of these belonging to a specific family, people, country, etc
  4. A long-established belief, practice or custom
  5. Anything bound up with or continuing in the life of a family, community, etc
  6. Religious teaching, doctrine or laws based on (usu early) oral tradition, esp (often with cap) in Christianity, the teaching of Christ and the Apostles not found in Scripture, in Judaism, the laws believed to have been given to Moses by God, and in Islam, the words and deeds of Mohammed
  7. The continuous development of principles, etc of a body of eg literature, music
  8. A handing over (law)
ORIGIN: L trāditiō, -ōnis, trāditor, -ōris, from trādere to give up, from trāns over, and dare to give

tradiˈtional or (rare) tradiˈtionary adjective

tradiˈtionalism noun

  1. (often excessive) adherence to or belief in tradition
  2. The belief that religious knowledge and moral truth are obtained through divine revelation and are handed down and preserved by tradition

tradiˈtionalist noun and adjective

traditionalisˈtic adjective

traditionalˈity noun

tradiˈtionally or (rare) tradiˈtionarily adverb

tradiˈtioner or tradiˈtionist noun

A person who adheres to tradition

tradˈitionless adjective

traditive /tradˈi-tiv/ adjective


tradˈitor noun (pl tradˈitors or traditores /-töˈrāz/)

  1. A traitor, betrayer (obsolete)
  2. A person who under persecution gave up sacred books or objects or the names of his or her coreligionists, esp a Christian under Roman persecution (historical)

traditional Chinese medicine noun

A system of medicine developed in China, in which good health is seen as the harmonious balance of the yin and yang, achieved through acupuncture, massage, exercise, herbalism, or diet, and through control of the relationships between the five elements, earth, water, fire, metal (or air) and wood, considered to be associated with specific bodily organs (see ko cycle, sheng cycle, wu cycle)

traditional jazz see trad

traditional option noun (stock exchange)

An option which, once purchased, cannot be exchanged





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