

单词 trading estate

estate /i- or e-stātˈ/

  1. Property, esp landed property of some size
  2. A piece of land built over either privately or by a local authority, with houses (housing estate) or factories (trading or industrial estate)
  3. Orig state (archaic)
  4. Rank
  5. Worldly condition
  6. Total possessions
  7. A piece of land given over to the cultivation of a particular crop
  8. An order or class of people in the body politic
  9. A chair or canopy of state, or a dais (obsolete)
  10. An estate car (see below)
transitive verb
  1. To give an estate to (archaic)
  2. To bestow upon (archaic)
ORIGIN: OFr estat (Fr état), from L status a state

estate agency noun

estate agent noun

  1. Someone who values, buys and sells, and leases and manages property for clients
  2. The manager of landed property

estateˈ-bottled adjective

Of wine, bottled on the estate where it has been made

estate car noun

A car designed to carry passengers and goods, usu with a large area behind the seats for luggage, etc, and a rear door

estate duty noun

Death duty

estatesˈman noun (N Eng)

A small landholder

man's estate

The state of manhood

personal estate see person

real estate see real1

the estates of the realm

  1. The three divisions of the body politic, Lords Spiritual, Lords Temporal and Commons
  2. Often misused for the legislature, ie king, lords and commons
  3. The ancient parliament of Scotland consisted of the king and the three estates, ie (1) archbishops, bishops, abbots and mitred priors, (2) the barons and the commissioners of shires and stewartries, (3) the commissioners from the royal burghs
  4. In France, the nobles, clergy and third estate (tiers état) remained separate down to 1780

the fourth estate (informal)

The press

trade /trād/

  1. An occupation, way of livelihood, esp skilled but not learned
  2. Shopkeeping
  3. Commerce, esp as opposed to a profession
  4. Buying and selling
  5. People engaged in a specific occupation, esp the liquor trade or the book trade
  6. Customers, clientele
  7. Commercial customers as opposed to the public in general
  8. Business at a particular time or for a particular market
  9. A craft, esp requiring training
  10. A deal
  11. Commodities, esp for barter
  12. A practice
  13. (in pl) the trade winds
  14. A track, trail, treading (Spenser)
  15. A way of traffic
  16. Resort (Shakespeare)
  17. A way, a course (obsolete)
  18. Rubbish (dialect)
  19. Medicine
intransitive verb
  1. To have dealings (with with)
  2. To engage in commerce (often with in)
  3. To deal
  4. To traffic
  5. To buy and sell
  6. To take goods to a place (with to)
  7. To reckon, count, presume (with on), esp unscrupulously
  8. To tread, go (obsolete)
  9. To resort, esp for commerce
  10. To ply
  11. To occupy oneself (obsolete)
transitive verb
  1. To exchange (esp commercially), to barter
  2. To buy and sell
  3. To exchange (eg one thing for another, blows, etc)
  4. To tread (obsolete)
ORIGIN: Prob LGer trade; related to tread

tradeˈable or tradˈable adjective

trādˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Versed, practised

tradeˈful adjective (Spenser)

Busy in traffic

tradeˈless adjective

trādˈer noun

  1. A person who trades
  2. A trading ship
  3. A member of the Stock Exchange trading privately and not on behalf of clients (US)

trādˈing noun and adjective

trade barrier noun

Anything that prevents or hinders international trade, eg tariffs and quotas

trade board noun (historical)

A council for settling disputes, consisting of representatives of both employers and employees in a trade

tradeˈcraft noun

Skill or expertise in the practice of a trade, esp that of espionage

trade cycle noun

The recurring series of conditions in trade from prosperity to depression and back to prosperity

trade deficit see trade gap below.

trade discount noun

  1. A discount offered to others in the same trade
  2. A discount given to professional users or re-sellers of a product

traded option noun (stock exchange)

An option that can itself be bought and sold

trade edition noun

A standard edition of a book rather than a de luxe or bookclub edition

tradeˈ-fallen (Shakespeare tradeˈ-falne) adjective

Unsuccessful in trade, bankrupt

trade gap or trade deficit noun

The amount by which a country's visible imports exceed its visible exports in value

tradeˈ-in noun

That which is given in part payment

trade journal noun

A periodical containing information and comment on a particular trade

trade-lastˈ noun (old US)

A compliment paid to someone which one offers to tell that person in exchange for a compliment heard about oneself

tradeˈmark or trade mark noun

  1. Any name or distinctive device warranting goods for sale as the production of any individual or firm
  2. A distinguishing characteristic or feature (figurative)

transitive verb

  1. To label with a trademark
  2. To register as a trademark

tradeˈmarked adjective

tradeˈname noun

  1. A name serving as a trademark
  2. A name in use in the trade
  3. The name under which a company trades

tradeˈ-off noun

The giving up of one thing in return for another, usu as an act of compromise

trade-off study noun (aeronautics, space technol)

A logical evaluation, during the preliminary design process, of the pros and cons of alternative approaches and/or parameters which leads to the choice of the preferred ones

trade paper noun

A trade journal

trade paperback noun

A trade edition (qv above) of a paperback book

trade plate noun

A temporary number plate attached to a vehicle by dealers, etc prior to its being registered

trade price noun

The price at which goods are sold to members of the same trade, or by wholesale to retail dealers

trade route noun

A route followed by caravans or trading ships

trade sale noun

An auction sale of goods by producers, etc, to persons in the trade

trade school noun

A school teaching mainly skilled crafts

trade secret noun

A secret and successful formula, process, technique, etc known only to one manufacturer

tradesˈfolk plural noun


tradesˈman or tradesˈwoman noun

  1. A shopkeeper
  2. A skilled worker
  3. A mechanic

tradesˈmanlike adjective

tradesˈpeople plural noun

  1. People engaged in trade
  2. Shopkeepers
  3. Mechanics
  4. Skilled workers

trades union noun

An association of trade unions, as in the Trades Union Congress

trade union noun

An organized association of workers of an industry for the protection of their common interests

trade unionism noun

The system, principles and practices of trade unions

trade unionist noun

A member of a trade union

tradeˈ-weighted adjective (economics)

(of exchange rates) weighted according to the significance of the trade carried on with the various countries listed

trade wind noun

A wind blowing toward the thermal equator and deflected westward by the eastward rotation of the earth

trading estate noun

An industrial or commercial estate

trading post noun

A store, etc established in an esp remote, thinly-populated or hostile area

trading stamp noun

A stamp given by the retailer to a purchaser of goods which, when a specified number have been collected, may be exchanged without payment for articles provided by the trading stamp firm

Board of Trade

See under board

trade down or up

  1. To deal in lower grade, cheaper or higher grade, dearer goods
  2. To buy a smaller (or larger) house, etc than one sells

trade in

To give in part payment

trade off

To exchange, esp as a compromise

trade on

To count on or take advantage of, esp unscrupulously





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