

单词 triple bonds

triple /tripˈl/

  1. Threefold
  2. Consisting of three
  3. Three times as much
  4. Third (Shakespeare)
  1. A quantity three times as much
  2. A thing (eg a star) that is triple
  3. A peal of bells interchanging in three sets of two
  4. A betting system requiring that the horses which finish first, second and third in a race are selected in correct order
transitive verb and intransitive verb

To treble

ORIGIN: Fr, from L triplus, from Gr triploos (triplous); and L triplex

tripˈleness noun

tripˈlet noun

  1. Three of a kind, or three united
  2. Three lines rhyming together
  3. A group of three notes occupying the time of two, indicated by a slur and the figure 3 (music)
  4. One of three (people or animals) born at one birth
  5. A state in which there are two unpaired electrons (chem)
  6. A cycle for three riders

tripˈlex adjective


  1. A building divided into three flats (N American)
  2. Triple time (Shakespeare)

triplicate /tripˈli-kit/ adjective

  1. Threefold
  2. Made thrice as much
  3. Equal to the cube of the quantity (old mathematics)
  1. A third copy or thing corresponding to two others of the same kind
  2. The third power or cube (old mathematics)
transitive verb /tripˈli-kāt/

To make threefold

triplicāˈtion noun

  1. The act of triplicating
  2. A reply to a duplication

triplicity /trip-lisˈi-ti/ noun

  1. Tripleness
  2. A triad
  3. A trigon (astrology)

tripˈling noun

  1. A making triple
  2. A triplet, trilling or trin

triply /tripˈli/ adverb noun /tri-plīˈ/ (Scots law)

A pursuer's reply to a defender's duply

transitive verb and intransitive verb

To reply to a duply

Triple Alliance noun

  1. The league of England, Sweden, and the Netherlands formed against France in 1668
  2. The alliance of Britain, France, and Holland against Spain in 1717
  3. The alliance between Germany, Austria, and Italy, 1883–1915, counterbalanced by the Triple Entente, a friendly understanding (developing into an alliance) between Britain, France, and Russia

triple bond noun (chem)

A covalent bond between two atoms involving the sharing of three pairs of electrons

triple crown noun

  1. The Pope's tiara
  2. A victory in each race of the triple event in the same season (horse-racing)
  3. A victory by England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland in all three matches against the others in the series played each season (rugby, etc)

tripˈle-crowned adjective

Having three crowns or a triple crown, as the Pope

triple event noun (horse-racing)

The Two Thousand Guineas, St Leger, and Derby

triple glazing noun

Glazing formed by three layers of glass with the optimum air-space between each layer for insulation or soundproofing

triple harp noun

A Welsh harp

tripˈle-headˈed adjective


triple jump noun

  1. An athletic event, formerly called the hop, skip and jump, the object of which is to cover the longest possible distance
  2. A jump incorporating three aerial turns (ice skating)

tripˈle-jump intransitive verb

To perform a triple jump

tripˈle-jumper noun

triple play noun (baseball)

A play putting out three runners

triple point noun

The temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and gaseous phases of a substance can coexist, esp triple point of water, 273.16K and 610N/m−2

Triple sec noun

A clear orange-flavoured liqueur

triple time noun

Musical time or rhythm of three beats, or of three times three beats, in a bar

triple-tongueˈ intransitive verb (music)

To produce a staccato sound by rapid articulation when playing fast passages in groups of three on a wind instrument

triple-tonguˈing noun

tripˈle-turned adjective (Shakespeare)

Three times faithless

triple whammy see whammy under wham

triple witching (hour) noun (stock exchange)

The final hour of certain periods of trading, when three kinds of future and option contracts expire and the market is exposed to extreme volatility (cf double witching (hour) under double)

Triplex® glass noun

A combination of glass and mica in three layers

triplicate-ternate see under triternate

in triplicate

In three exact copies





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