

单词 three-line whip

three /thrē/

  1. The cardinal number next above two
  2. A symbol representing that number (3, iii, etc)
  3. A set of three things or people
  4. A score of three points, strokes, tricks, etc
  5. An article of a size denoted by 3
  6. A playing card with three pips
  7. The third hour after midnight or midday
  8. The age of three years
  1. Of the number three
  2. Three years old
ORIGIN: OE thrēo, fem and neuter of thrī; Gothic threis, Ger drei, L trēs, trēs, tria, Gr treis, treis, tria, Sans tri

threeˈness noun

The state of being three

threeˈsome noun

  1. A group of three people
  2. A game or dance for three
  1. For three
  2. Triple

three balls plural noun

The pawnbroker's sign

three-bottˈle adjective

Able to drink three bottles of wine at a sitting

threeˈ-card adjective

Played with three cards

three-card trick noun

A card-sharp's play in which the victim is invited to bet on which of three cards, turned face down and deftly manipulated, is the queen (also called find the lady)

three-cenˈtred adjective

(of an arch) composed of circular arcs with three different centres

three cheers plural noun

Three shouts of ‘hurrah’, to show approval, etc (also figurative)

threeˈ-cleft adjective

Cut halfway down into three lobes

threeˈ-colour adjective

Involving or using three colours as primaries

three-colour process noun

The method of producing colour pictures from the three primary originals (yellow, red and blue) prepared by photography

three-corˈnered adjective

  1. Triangular in form or section
  2. Having three competitors or three members

three-day event, three-day eventer see under event

threeˈ-deck adjective

three-deckˈer noun

  1. A ship with three decks or guns on three decks
  2. A building or structure with three floors or tiers
  3. A pulpit with three levels
  4. A three-volume novel
  5. A double sandwich, with two layers of filling and three layers of bread
  6. Any other thing with three layers, levels, etc


Having three decks or layers

three-dimenˈsional adjective

  1. Having, or seeming to have, three dimensions
  2. Giving the effect of being seen or heard in an environment of three dimensions (shortened to three-D or 3-D)
  3. (of, eg a literary work) developed in detail and thus realistic

threeˈ-dimensionalˈity noun

three-farˈthing adjective

three-farˈthings singular noun

A silver coin issued under Queen Elizabeth I, distinguished from a penny by a rose behind the queen's head

threeˈfold adjective and adverb

  1. In three parts
  2. (by) three times as much

threeˈfoldness noun

threeˈ-foot adjective

Measuring or having three feet

three-fourˈ adjective (music)

With three crotchets to the bar

three-fourˈ or three-four time noun

The time signature (3/4) indicating three crochets to the bar

three-halfpence /thrē-hāˈpəns/ noun

  1. An old penny and a halfpenny
  2. A coin of that value

three-halfpenny /thrē-hāpˈni/ adjective

three-halfˈpennyworth or threeha'porth /thrē-hāpˈərth/ noun

An amount of something costing one old penny and a halfpenny

threeˈ-handed adjective

  1. Having three hands
  2. Played by three players

three-jaw chuck noun (engineering)

A scroll chuck (qv) with three jaws for holding cylindrical workpieces, materials or tools

threeˈ-leaved (or threeˈ-leafed) adjective

  1. Having three leaves or leaflets
  2. Having leaves in threes

threeˈ-legged /-legd, -legˈid/ adjective

  1. Having three legs
  2. (of a race) run by pairs of runners, each with a leg tied to his or her partner's adjacent one

three-line whip see under whip

threeˈ-man adjective (Shakespeare)

Worked or performed by three men

three-mastˈed adjective

three-mastˈer noun

A ship with three masts

three-mile limit noun

(in international law) the outer limit of the territorial waters around a state, extending to three nautical miles

threeˈ-monthly noun and adjective


threeˈ-nooked adjective (Shakespeare)


threeˈ-pair or threeˈ-pair-of-stairs adjective

On a third floor


A room so situated

threeˈ-part adjective

Composed in three parts or for three voices

three-partˈed adjective

  1. Consisting of three parts
  2. Parted in three
  3. Divided into three nearly to the base

threeˈ-parts adverb

To the extent of three-quarters

threepence /threpˈ, thripˈ, thrupˈəns/ noun

Money, or a coin, of the value of three old pence

threepenny /threpˈ, thripˈ, thrupˈni or -ə-ni/ adjective

  1. Sold or offered at threepence
  2. Of little worth
  3. Mean, vulgar


A coin of the value of threepence (also threepenny bit or piece)

threepennyworth or threepenn'orth /thrē-penˈi-wərth, thrē-penˈərth/, also (chiefly Scot) threepˈenceworth noun

An amount of something costing threepence

three-per-centsˈ plural noun

Bonds or other securities paying three per cent interest, esp a portion of the consolidated debt of Great Britain

threeˈ-phase adjective (elec eng)

(of an electric supply system) in which the alternating potentials on the three wires differ in phase from each other by 120º

threeˈ-piece adjective

Comprising three parts, three matching pieces, etc


Anything with three matching pieces, esp a suite of furniture

threeˈ-pile adjective

Having loops of three threads

noun (Shakespeare)

The finest kind of velvet

threeˈ-piled adjective

  1. Three-pile
  2. Piled three-high

threeˈ-ply adjective

Having three layers or strands


Any material with three layers or strands

three-point landing noun (aeronautics)

A landing with all three wheels touching the ground at the same moment, a perfect landing

three-point turn noun

The process of turning a vehicle round to face in the opposite direction by moving it forward, reversing, then moving forward again, turning the steering-wheel appropriately

threeˈ-pound adjective

Costing or weighing three pounds

three-poundˈer noun

  1. A thing that weighs three pounds
  2. A gun that shoots a three-pound ball

threeˈ-pricker noun (RAF sl)

  1. A three-point landing
  2. Anything right or perfect

three-quarˈter adjective and adverb

  1. To the amount of three-fourths
  2. ( adjective) being three quarters of the normal size or length (used of beds, coats, etc)


A three-quarter back

three-quarter back noun (rugby)

A player between halfbacks and full back

three-quarter face noun

An aspect between full face and profile

three-quarˈter-length adjective

(of a coat, sleeve, etc) being three quarters of the full length

three quarters noun

  1. (a part equal to) three fourths of a whole
  2. The greater part of something

three-ring circus noun

  1. A circus with three rings in which simultaneous separate performances are given
  2. A showy or extravagant event (figurative)
  3. A confusing or bewildering scene or situation

threeˈscore noun and adjective


three-sidˈed adjective

Having three sides

three-speed gear noun

A gear-changing device with three gear positions

threeˈ-square adjective

Having an equilateral triangle as a cross-section

three-starˈ adjective

  1. (esp of a hotel) of a quality or rank denoted by three in a four- or five-star grading system
  2. Of or being a lieutenant-general (US)

threeˈ-suitˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Allowed three suits of clothes a year as a serving-man

threeˈ-volume adjective

In three volumes

threeˈ-way adjective

  1. Giving connection in three directions from a centre
  2. Involving three people or things

three-went way noun (dialect)

A place where three roads meet

three-wheelˈer noun

A vehicle having three wheels, esp a motor vehicle with two rear wheels and a single front wheel

the three R's see under R

the Three Wise Men see under magus

threescore and ten


three times three

Three cheers repeated three times

whip /(h)wip/

  1. A lash with a handle for punishing or driving
  2. A stroke administered by a whip or similar implement
  3. An act of whipping or a whipping motion
  4. A driver, a coachman
  5. Someone who enforces the attendance and discipline of a political party
  6. A call made on members of parliament to be in their places in readiness for an important division (called, according to the number of times the message is underlined as indication of urgency, three-line whip, etc; five-line whip is no longer used)
  7. A whipper-in, the person who manages the hounds
  8. A simple form of hoisting apparatus, a small tackle consisting of a single rope and block
  9. A preparation of whipped cream, eggs, etc
  10. A whipping or overcasting
  11. (also, more usu, whipˈ-round) a collection of cash contributions made hastily among a group of people
  12. An individual share in money collected in equal amounts
  13. An instant (Scot)
  14. An arm carrying a sail of a windmill
  15. A long twig, slender branch or shoot
  16. A fairground ride featuring cars that move with sudden jerks
transitive verb (whippˈing; whipped or (old) whipt)
  1. To strike with a lash
  2. To drive, or force to move, with lashes
  3. To punish with lashes, or (loosely) by spanking
  4. To strike in a manner suggesting a lash
  5. To lash with sarcasm
  6. To lash (eg a crowd) into an emotional state
  7. To defeat, outdo (informal)
  8. To stiffen (eg cream or egg whites) or make (eggs, etc) frothy, by rapid beating with a whisk or similar utensil
  9. To keep (eg a party) together
  10. To fly-fish
  11. To overlay (eg one cord with another)
  12. To bind round
  13. To sew lightly
  14. To overcast (eg a seam)
  15. To move quickly, snatch (with up, away, out, etc)
  16. To steal (informal)
  17. To prepare at short notice (with up; informal)
  18. To rouse (support, enthusiasm, etc; with up)
intransitive verb
  1. To move nimbly
  2. To move in the manner of a whiplash
  3. To make a cast in fly-fishing
ORIGIN: ME whippen; cf Du wippen to shake

whipˈless adjective

whipˈlike adjective

whippˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that whips
  2. An official who inflicts the penalty of whipping

whippˈiness noun

whippˈing noun

  1. The action of lashing
  2. Corporal punishment, esp with a whip or lash
  3. A defeat
  4. A binding of twine, eg at the end of a rope
  5. Material for binding in this way
  6. Overcasting

whippˈy adjective

  1. Whiplike
  2. Pliant
  3. Supple

whipˈ-and-derrˈy noun

A hoisting apparatus consisting of a whip (qv above) and a derrick

whipˈbird noun

The coachwhip-bird

whipˈcat noun (old)

A tailor

whipˈcord noun

  1. Cord for making whips
  2. A fabric with a bold steep warp twill, used chiefly for dresses, suits and coats
  3. A whiplike seaweed such as Chorda filum or Chordaria flagelliformis


(also whipˈcordy) like whipcord

whip graft noun

A graft made by fitting a tongue cut on the scion to a slit cut slopingly in the stock

whipˈ-graft transitive verb

whipˈ-grafting noun

whip hand noun

  1. The hand that holds the whip
  2. The advantage

whip handle noun

  1. The handle or stock of a whip
  2. An advantage

whipˈjack noun (old)

A whining beggar who pretended to be a sailor

whipˈlash noun

  1. The lash of a whip
  2. Something resembling or suggesting the lash of a whip or its action
  3. (also whiplash injury) an injury to the neck caused by the sharp forwards-and-backwards wrenching it suffers in a vehicle collision

intransitive verb

To move like a whiplash

whippˈer-in noun

  1. An assistant to a huntsman, who controls the hounds
  2. An official whose job is to enforce the discipline of a political party, a whip (obsolete)
  3. At any moment in a race, the horse in the last place (slang)
  4. A little or young insignificant but pretentious or irritating person

whipping boy noun

  1. A boy educated along with a prince and punished for the royal pupil's faults (historical)
  2. Anyone on whom falls the odium of, or blame and punishment for, the shortcomings of others

whippˈing-cheer noun (obsolete; humorous)


whipping cream noun

Cream with enough butterfat in it to allow it to be beaten stiff

whippˈing-post noun

  1. A post to which offenders are tied to be whipped
  2. The punishment itself

whippˈing-top (or whipˈ-top) noun

A top kept spinning by means of a whip

whip-round see n above.

whipˈsaw noun

A narrow saw for dividing timber lengthways, usu set in a frame and often worked by two people

transitive verb

  1. To cut with a whipsaw
  2. To have the advantage of at every point, defeat at every turn (slang)

whip scorpion noun

Any arachnid of the order Uropygi, slightly resembling true scorpions but having no sting and usu having a whiplike appendage at the rear of the body

whip snake noun

Any of various snakes resembling a whiplash, as Masticophis flagellum (the coachwhip snake) and species of Philodryas, etc

whip socket noun

A socket to hold the butt of a whip

whipˈstaff noun

A former steering device, a vertical wooden lever controlling a ship's rudder

whipˈstall noun (aeronautics)

A stall as the result of which the nose of the aircraft whips forward and down

intransitive verb and transitive verb

To go, or put, into such a stall

whipˈstitch noun

  1. A small overcasting stitch
  2. A hasty composition
  3. A tailor
  4. A kind of half-ploughing or raftering (dialect)

transitive verb and intransitive verb

To sew (something) using a whipstitch

whipˈstock noun

  1. The rod or handle of a whip
  2. In an oil well, a tapered steel wedge used to deflect the drill bit from a straight line

whipˈtail or whipˈtailed adjective

Having a long, slender tail

whip-top see whipping-top above.

whipˈworm noun

A parasitic worm of the genus Trichocephalus or Trichuris, with posterior end thick and anterior long and thin, found as a parasite in human intestines

fair crack of the whip

A reasonable or fair chance given to one to do something properly

whip and spur

With great haste

whip in

To act as a whipper-in

whip into shape

  1. To get (a person or group) into a condition ready for action, etc by force or rigorous training
  2. Generally, to reshape vigorously to one's satisfaction

whips of (Aust and NZ informal)

A large amount of

whip the cat (old)

  1. To practise small economies
  2. To work by the day as a dressmaker, tailor, etc, going from house to house
  3. To idle
  4. To play a practical joke





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