

单词 third reading

read1 /rēd/

transitive verb (pat and pap read /red/)
  1. To look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed words in
  2. To understand as by interpretation of signs
  3. To collect the meaning of
  4. To go over progressively with silent understanding of symbols or with utterance aloud of words or performance of notes
  5. To accept or offer as that which the writer intended
  6. To learn from written or printed matter
  7. To find recorded
  8. To observe the indication of
  9. To solve
  10. To register, indicate
  11. To teach, lecture on
  12. To study
  13. To impute by inference (as to read a meaning into)
  14. To retrieve (data) from a storage device (computing)
  15. To advise (archaic; see rede)
  16. To make out
  17. To interpret
  18. To expound
  19. To make known (Spenser)
  20. To declare
  21. To name (Spenser)
intransitive verb
  1. To perform the act of reading
  2. To practise much reading
  3. To study
  4. To find mention
  5. To give the reader an impression
  6. To endure the test of reading
  7. To deliver lectures
  8. To have a certain wording
  1. A spell of reading
  2. Reading-matter
  3. An opportunity of reading (Scot)
  4. Counsel, a saying, an interpretation (Spenser)
adjective /red/
  1. Versed in books
  2. Learned
ORIGIN: OE rǣdan to discern, read, from rǣd counsel

readabilˈity /rēd-/ noun

readˈable adjective

  1. Legible
  2. Easy to read
  3. Interesting without being of highest quality

readˈableness noun

readˈably adverb

readˈer noun

  1. Someone who reads or reads much
  2. A person who reads prayers or passages of scripture, etc at a church service
  3. A lecturer, esp a higher grade of university lecturer
  4. A proof-corrector
  5. A person who reads and reports on manuscripts for a publisher
  6. A reading-book
  7. A pocketbook (criminal sl)
  8. A device that projects a large image of a piece of microfilm onto a screen, for reading
  9. A document reader (computing)

readˈership noun

  1. The post of reader in a university
  2. The total number of readers (of a newspaper, etc)

readˈing adjective

Addicted to reading

  1. The action of the verb read
  2. Perusal
  3. Study of books
  4. Public or formal recital, esp of a bill before Parliament (see first, second and third reading below)
  5. The actual word or words that may be read in a passage of a text
  6. The indication that can be read off from an instrument
  7. Matter for reading
  8. Lettering
  9. An interpretation
  10. A performer's conception of the meaning, rendering
  11. Knowledge gained from having read books

reader advertisement noun

An advertising feature in a magazine which follows the style of the editorial part of the magazine, often with accompanying photographs or drawings

readers' inquiry card or readers' service card noun

A business reply card bound into a magazine with numbers corresponding to advertised products

readˈ-in noun

Input of data to a computer or storage device

reading age noun

Reading ability calculated as equivalent to the average ability at a certain age

readˈing-book noun

A book of exercises in reading

readˈing-boy noun (printing; obsolete)

A reader's assistant

readˈing-desk noun

  1. A desk for holding a book or paper while it is read
  2. A lectern

reading group same as book group (see under book).

readˈing-lamp noun

A lamp for reading by

readˈing-machine noun

  1. A reader for microfilm
  2. A document reader (computing)

reading matter noun

Printed material, eg books, magazines

readˈing-room noun

  1. A room for consultation, study or investigation of books in a library
  2. A room with papers, periodicals, etc resorted to for reading
  3. A proofreaders' room

readˈmē file noun (computing)

A text file supplied with computer software that contains information about the software, such as advice on installation and bugs

readˈ-only adjective (computing)

Of a storage device or file, capable of being read but not altered

readˈ-out noun

  1. The output unit of a computer
  2. The retrieval of data from a computer
  3. Data from a computer, printed or registered on magnetic tape or punched paper tape, or displayed on a screen
  4. Data from a radio transmitter

read-write head noun (computing)

In a disk drive, a head that can both retrieve and record data

read-write memory noun (computing)

One that allows retrieval and input of data

first, second and third reading

The three successive formal readings of a bill before parliament, when (in Britain) it is introduced, discussed in general, and reported on by a committee

read between the lines

To detect a meaning not expressed but implied

read in

To transfer data from a storage device into the main memory of a computer

read into

To find in a person's writing, words, behaviour, etc (meanings which are not overtly stated and may not have been intended)

read off

To take as a reading from an instrument

read (oneself) in

In the Church of England, to enter into possession of a benefice by reading the Thirty-nine Articles

read out

  1. To read aloud
  2. To retrieve data from a computer, etc
  3. To expel from a political party or a society (chiefly N American)

read someone's mind

To guess accurately what someone is thinking

read up

To amass knowledge of by reading

take as read /red/

  1. To presume
  2. To understand to be, and accept as, true

third /thûrd/

  1. The last of three
  2. Next after the second in time, place, order, rank, etc
  3. Equal to one of three equal parts
  1. One of three equal parts
  2. A person or thing in third position
  3. An interval of two (conventionally called three) diatonic degrees (music)
  4. A note separated from another by this interval (music)
  5. Third gear
  6. (also third class) an honours degree of the third, and usu lowest, class
  1. In the third place
  2. As the third point
transitive verb
  1. To divide by three
  2. To support after the seconder
ORIGIN: OE thridda; cf Ger dritte, Gr tritos, L tertius

thirdˈing noun

A third part

thirdˈly adverb

  1. In the third place
  2. As the third point

Third Age noun

Those people aged over 60 (in some cases over 50) collectively seen as a distinct group within society, with opportunities (eg for travel and education), special needs, and a positive contribution to make to society in general

Third-Aˈger noun

third class noun

The class (of degree, hotel accommodation, travel, etc) next below second class

third-classˈ adjective and adverb

third degree see under degree

third dimension noun

  1. Depth, thickness
  2. The dimension of depth, distinguishing a solid object from a two-dimensional or planar object

third-dimenˈsional adjective

third estate see under estate

third eye noun (informal)

  1. The pineal gland
  2. An organ supposed to enable extrasensory perception

third eyelid noun

The nictitating membrane (qv under nictate)

third force noun

A group (eg in a political party) following a middle or uncommitted course between contending extremes

third gear noun

The gear which is one faster than second, and usu one lower than top, in a gearbox

third gender noun (anthropology)

A class of people who identify themselves as neither male nor female

third-gender adjective

thirdˈ-generation adjective

(also 3G) relating to communications technology providing more advanced services than WAP technology

third-handˈ adjective

Third International see under international

third man noun (cricket)

A fielder, or a fielding position, near the boundary on the offside behind the slips

Third market noun (stock exchange, esp US)

  1. Trade in listed stocks done otherwise than on the Stock Exchange
  2. The market where such trade is done

third order noun

The lay members affiliated to a monastic order, who continue to live an ordinary life in the world

third party noun

A person other than the principal people involved (eg in the agreement between the insured and insurer)

thirdˈ-party adjective

third person see under person

thirdˈ-programme adjective

Highbrow, in allusion to the Third Programme (1946–70) of the BBC

third rail noun

A rail carrying electricity to an electrically-powered train

third rail noun

A rail carrying electricity to an electrically-powered train; a highly controversial topic that politicians choose not to discuss

third-rail system noun (elec eng)

A system of electric traction supply by which current is fed to the tractor from an insulated conductor rail running parallel with the track

thirdˈ-rate adjective

  1. Of the third rank, class, order, etc
  2. Of poor quality

third reading noun

  1. (in a legislative assembly) in Britain the consideration of committee reports on a bill
  2. In the USA the final consideration of a bill

Third Reich see under Reich

third sector noun

The part of a country's economy made up of charities, voluntary groups, non-profit-making organizations, etc

thirdsˈman noun

A mediator

third stream noun

A style of music having features of both jazz and classical music

thirdˈ-stream adjective

third wave noun

The age of information technology regarded as successor to the agrarian and industrial ages

third way noun

(esp in politics) a hitherto unconsidered alternative to two prevailing systems

third wheel noun (informal)

A person in a group of three whose presence is unwanted by the other two

Third World noun

The developing countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, not aligned politically with the large power blocks

Third-Worlˈder noun

  1. A person living in or from the Third World
  2. A believer in or supporter of Third-Worldism

Third-Worlˈdism noun

An ideology which supports and encourages the development of the Third World

Picardy third

Tierce de Picardie





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