

单词 substitutional legacy

legacy /legˈə-si/

  1. That which is left to one by will
  2. A bequest of personal property
  3. Something handed on by or left unfinished by a predecessor or previous owner
adjective (computing)

Denoting software, data, etc that is outdated or discontinued

ORIGIN: L lēgāre, -ātum to leave by will

legˈatary noun

A legatee

legateeˈ noun

A person to whom a legacy is left

legator /li-gāˈtər/ noun

A person who leaves a legacy

legacy duty noun

A duty levied on legacies, varying according to degree of relationship, abolished in 1950

legˈacy-hunter noun

A person who courts those likely to leave legacies

cumulative legacy

An additional legacy to the same person

demonstrative legacy

A general legacy with a particular fund named from which it is to be satisfied

general legacy

A sum of money payable out of the assets generally

residuary legatee

The person to whom the remainder of the property is left after all claims are discharged

specific legacy

A legacy of a definite thing, such as jewels, pictures, a sum of stock in the funds, etc

substitutional legacy

A second legacy to the same person instead of the first





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