

单词 suspenser

suspense /səs-pensˈ/

  1. Intermission
  2. Cessation
  3. Deferring (eg of judgement)
  4. A state or atmosphere of nervous or excited uncertainty
  5. Indecision
  1. In suspense
  2. (Milton suspensˈ or suspenceˈ) suspended, held back
ORIGIN: Ety as for suspend

suspenseˈful adjective

suspensˈer noun

Something, eg a film or book, that is filled with suspense

suspensibilˈity noun

suspenˈsible adjective

suspenˈsion /-shən/ noun

  1. An act of suspending
  2. Interruption
  3. Delay
  4. Temporary debarment from office or privilege
  5. A temporary or conditional withholding
  6. Holding a note from a chord into the next chord (music)
  7. A discord so produced (music)
  8. A mixture of a fluid with dense particles which are prevented from settling by viscosity and impact of molecules (chem)
  9. (in a motor vehicle or railway carriage) the system of springs, etc supporting the chassis on the axles

suspenˈsive adjective

suspenˈsively adverb

suspenˈsoid noun (chem)

A colloid dispersed with difficulty, yielding an unstable solution that cannot be reformed after coagulation

suspenˈsor noun

  1. A chain of cells to which a plant embryo is fixed (botany)
  2. A suspensory bandage

suspensorial /sus-pen-sōˈri-əl or -söˈ/ adjective

suspensoˈrium noun

That which holds up a part, esp the arrangement joining the lower jaw to the cranium in vertebrates below mammals

suspenˈsory adjective

  1. Suspending
  2. Having the power or effect of delaying or staying
  3. Of the suspensorium

A suspensorium

suspense account noun

An account in which items are entered which cannot at once be placed in an ordinary account

suspension bridge noun

A bridge with a roadway hanging on cables, which are themselves usu suspended from heavier cables stretched between elevated piers

suspension building noun

Building round a concrete core and from the top downward but sometimes attached directly to the piers

suspension culture noun (biology)

A method of culturing large quantities of cells by keeping them in vessels continually stirred and aerated





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