

单词 sufferable

suffer /sufˈər/

transitive verb
  1. To undergo
  2. To endure
  3. To tolerate
  4. To be affected by
  5. To permit (Bible and archaic)
  6. To inflict pain on (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To feel or undergo pain, grief, privation, etc
  2. To sustain loss or disadvantage
  3. To be injured
  4. To undergo a punishment or penalty, such as death or martyrdom
  5. To be the object of an action
ORIGIN: L sufferre to sustain, from sub in the sense of ‘up from underneath’, and ferre to carry

suffˈerable adjective

suffˈerableness noun

suffˈerably adverb

suffˈerance noun

  1. Tacit or unwilling assent
  2. Toleration
  3. Capacity to endure pain, injury, etc
  4. Suffering (archaic)
  5. Patient endurance (archaic)

suffˈerer noun

suffˈering noun and adjective

on sufferance

Tolerated with reluctance

suffer fools gladly

To be tolerant of other people's stupidity





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