

单词 specific heat

heat /hēt/

  1. That which excites the sensation of warmth
  2. The sensation of warmth, esp in a high degree
  3. Degree of hotness
  4. Exposure to intense heat
  5. A high temperature
  6. The hottest time
  7. Redness of the skin, esp when irritated
  8. Vehemence, passion
  9. Sexual excitement in animals, or its period, esp in the female, corresponding to rut in the male
  10. A single eliminating round in a race
  11. A division of a contest from which the winner goes on to a final test
  12. Animation
  13. Pressure intended to coerce (informal)
  14. Period of intensive search, esp by the police for a criminal after a crime has taken place (informal)
  15. Trouble (orig with the police; informal)
  16. The police (US sl)
  17. A firearm (US sl)
transitive verb
  1. To make hot
  2. To agitate
  3. Perh to run over, as in a race (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb

To become hot

ORIGIN: OE hǣtu heat; hāt hot; Ger Hitze

heatˈed adjective

  1. Having become or been made hot
  2. Angry, agitated or impassioned

heatˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that heats
  2. An apparatus for heating a room or building
  3. A conductor carrying a current that indirectly heats the cathode in certain types of valve
  4. A gun, pistol (old esp US slang)

heatˈing noun and adjective

heat apoplexy noun


heat barrier noun

Difficulties caused by a thin envelope of hot air which develops round aircraft at high speeds and causes structural and other problems

heat capacity same as thermal capacity (see under thermal).

heat death noun

The final state of the universe (if it is a closed system) predicted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, in which heat and energy are uniformly distributed throughout the substance of the universe

heat engine noun

An engine that transforms heat into mechanical work

heatˈer-shield noun

A triangular shield, like the heated plate of an iron

heat exchanger noun

A device for transferring heat from one fluid to another without allowing contact between them

heat exhaustion noun

A condition caused by exposure to intense heat, characterized by dizziness, fatigue and abdominal pain

heatˈproof adjective

Resistant to or able to withstand heat

heat pump noun

A device (on the refrigerator principle) for drawing heat from water, air, or the earth, and giving it out to warm, eg a room

heatˈ-resistant adjective

heatˈ-seeking adjective

(of a missile) able to detect heat emitted by its target and home in on this

heat shield noun

An object or substance designed to protect against excessive heat, esp that which protects a spacecraft re-entering the earth's atmosphere

heat sink noun

Something into which unwanted heat can be directed

heatˈspot noun

  1. An area of skin with nerve-ends sensitive to heat
  2. A spot or blotch on the skin caused by heat
  3. A freckle

heatˈstroke noun

  1. Exhaustion, illness, or prostration due to exposure to heat
  2. Sunstroke

heat treatment noun

  1. The therapeutic use of heat in medicine
  2. The use of heat in hardening metals

heatˈwave noun

  1. A heated state of atmosphere passing from one locality to another
  2. A hot spell

heat of formation (chem)

The net quantity of heat evolved or absorbed during the formation of one mole of a substance from its component elements in their standard states

in heat or on heat

(of a female animal) ready to mate

in the heat of the moment

While subject to passion and without pausing to think

latent heat

The heat required to change solid to liquid, or liquid to gas, without change of temperature

mechanical equivalent of heat

The energy required to produce one heat unit

specific heat see under specify

take the heat out of

To lessen the vehemence, intensity of emotion, or acrimony of (a situation, etc)

turn on the heat (informal)

To use brutal treatment, mental or physical, esp in order to coerce

specify /spesˈi-fī/

transitive verb (specˈifying; specˈified)
  1. To mention particularly
  2. To make specific
  3. To set down as required
ORIGIN: OFr specifier, from LL specificāre, from L speciēs kind, and facere to make

specˈifiable (or /-fīˈ/) adjective

specific /spi-sifˈik/ adjective

  1. Of special application or origin
  2. Specifying
  3. Precise
  4. Constituting or determining a species
  5. Relating to or peculiar to a species
  6. (of a parasite) restricted to one particular host
  7. (of a stain) colouring certain structures or tissues only
  8. (of a physical constant) being the ratio per unit volume, area, (or esp) mass, etc
  1. A remedy or medicine for a particular disease or part of the body
  2. Anything that is specific, esp a specific detail or factor

specifˈical adjective

specifˈically adverb

specifˈicate transitive verb

To specify

specificāˈtion /spes-/ noun

  1. Making, becoming, or being specific
  2. The act of specifying
  3. Any point or particular specified
  4. A detailed description of requirements, etc
  5. The description of his or her invention presented by an inventor applying for a patent

specificity /spes-i-fisˈi-ti/ noun

specˈified adjective

specific charge noun (physics)

The ratio of electric charge to mass in an elementary particle

specific gravity noun

Relative density

specific heat or specific heat capacity noun (physics)

The number of heat units necessary to raise the unit of mass of a given substance one degree in temperature

specific impulse noun

A measure of the efficiency of a rocket engine, the ratio of the thrust obtained to the fuel consumed, usu per second

specific name noun

In biological nomenclature, the name of the species, ie the second name, the first being the generic name

specific performance noun (law)

The compulsory performance of an obligation ordered by a court

specific resistance noun






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