

单词 show a leg

leg /leg/

  1. A limb used for walking
  2. The human lower limb, or sometimes the part between knee and ankle
  3. A long, slender support of eg a table
  4. A branch or limb of anything forked or jointed, eg a pair of compasses
  5. A single short trunk, as of a fruit bush not managed as a stool (qv), from which branches grow (horticulture)
  6. The part of a garment that covers the leg
  7. A distinct part or stage of a course or journey
  8. In sports, one event or part in a contest consisting of two or more parts or events
  9. The legside of a cricket field
  10. A backward movement of the leg in making a bow (archaic)
  11. A swindler, esp at a race-course (for blackleg; old slang)
transitive verb and intransitive verb
  1. To walk briskly, run or dash away (vt with it)
  2. To propel (a barge) through a canal tunnel by pushing with the feet on the wall or roof

On the legside of a cricket field

ORIGIN: ON leggr a leg; Dan læg, Swed lägg

legged /legd or legˈid/ adjective

(usu as combining form) having (a certain type, number, etc of) legs

leggˈer noun

  1. A bargeman who legs
  2. A worker or machine that makes stocking-legs

leggˈiness noun

leggˈing noun

  1. An outer and extra covering for the leg, eg (in pl) thick, footless tights, usu of wool or knitted fabric, or fashion varieties made in other, thinner materials
  2. An outer and extra covering for the lower leg

leggˈism noun (archaic)

The character of a blackleg

leggˈy adjective

  1. Having noticeably long slim legs
  2. (of a plant) having a long stem

legˈless adjective

  1. Having no legs
  2. Very drunk (informal)

legˈlessness noun

legˈlet noun

Any object worn on the leg for decoration

leg bail see give leg bail under bail1

leg before and leg before wicket noun (cricket)

A way of being given out when the ball has struck the batsman's legs, or another part of his body, without having made contact with the bat, and would otherwise have hit the wicket (abbrev lbw)

leg break noun (cricket)

A ball that breaks from the legside towards the offside on pitching

legˈ-busˈiness noun (slang)


leg bye noun (cricket)

A run made after the ball has touched any part of the batsman's person except his hands or bat, credited to the batsman's team but not his individual score

legˈ-cutter noun (cricket)

A fast bowler's delivery that moves from leg to off after pitching

legˈ-guard noun

A cricketer's pad

legˈ-iron noun

A fetter for the leg

legˈ-man or legˈ-woman noun

  1. A person whose work involves journeys outside the office
  2. An assistant who runs errands or gathers information
  3. A newspaper reporter

leg-of-muttˈon adjective

  1. Shaped like a leg of mutton, eg a triangular sail
  2. (of a sleeve) tight on the lower arm and full between elbow and shoulder

legˈ-over noun (vulgar sl)

An act of sexual intercourse

legˈ-pull noun

A good-humoured hoax, bluff or practical joke

legˈ-puller noun

legˈ-pulling noun

legˈ-rest noun

A support for the legs

legˈroom noun

Space for one's legs, as in a car

legˈ-show noun

An entertainment depending mainly on the exhibition of women's legs

legˈside noun

That half of a cricket field on the side on which the batsman stands when waiting to receive the ball, separated from the offside by an imaginary line drawn from wicket to wicket


On the legside

leg slip noun (cricket)

A fielder or position slightly behind the batsman on the legside

leg spin noun (cricket)

Spin imparted to a ball to cause a leg break

legˈ-spin adjective

leg spinner noun (cricket)

Someone who bowls leg breaks

leg theory noun (cricket)

  1. The policy of bowling short-pitched leg-side balls persistently at the batsman's body with a large number of leg-side fielders close to the wicket
  2. Bodyline

leg warmers plural noun

Long footless socks

legˈwear noun

Anything worn on the legs, eg socks, stockings, etc

leg-woman see leg-man above.

legˈwork noun (informal)

Work involving much travelling, searching, etc

change the leg

(of a horse) to change the gait

feel one's legs

To begin to support oneself on one's legs

find one's legs

To become familiar or accustomed

fine, long, short and square leg (cricket) see under fine, etc.

get one's leg over (vulgar sl; of a man)

To have sex

give someone a leg up

To give someone a help or hoist in mounting, climbing, etc (also figurative)

in high leg (archaic)

In great excitement

not have a leg to stand on

To have no case at all

on one's last legs see under last1

on one's legs

Standing, esp while speaking

pull someone's leg

To make a playful attempt to hoax or deceive someone

shake a leg (informal)

To hurry up

show a leg

  1. To make an appearance
  2. To get up

upon one's legs

In an independent position

show or (now rarely) shew /shō/

transitive verb (pat showed or (rarely) shewed /shōd/; pap shown or (rarely) shewn /shōn/, or showed or (rarely) shewed)
  1. To present to view
  2. To exhibit, display or set forth
  3. To cause or allow to be seen or known
  4. To instruct by demonstrating
  5. To prove
  6. To manifest
  7. To indicate
  8. To usher or conduct (with in, out, over, round, up, etc)
intransitive verb
  1. To appear
  2. To come into sight
  3. To be visible
  4. To arrive, turn up (informal)
  1. An act of showing
  2. Display
  3. Exhibition
  4. A sight or spectacle
  5. An entertainment
  6. Parade
  7. A demonstration
  8. Appearance
  9. Plausibility
  10. Pretence
  11. A sign, indication
  12. An indication of the presence of oil or gas in an exploratory well
  13. Performance
  14. Any thing, affair or enterprise (informal)
  15. In childbirth, a small discharge of blood and mucus at the start of labour
  16. A chance, opportunity (N American, Aust and NZ)
  1. Of the nature of, suitable for, or connected with, a show
  2. For show
ORIGIN: OE scēawian to look; from Du schouwen, Ger schauen to behold

shower /shōˈər/ noun

showˈily adverb

showˈiness noun

showˈing noun

  1. The act of displaying, pointing out, etc
  2. Appearance
  3. Performance
  4. A film screening
  5. A setting forth, representation

showˈy adjective

  1. Cutting a dash
  2. Making a show
  3. Ostentatious
  4. Gaudy
  5. Flashy

show-and-tellˈ noun

An activity of young schoolchildren in which an object is brought to the class by each child to be displayed and described, demonstrated and talked about

show bill noun

A bill or poster announcing a play or show

showˈboat noun

A riverboat, usu a paddle steamer, serving as a travelling theatre

intransitive verb

  1. To behave in an ostentatious manner
  2. To show off

showˈboater noun

showˈbox noun

A showman's box out of which he takes his materials

showˈbread see shewbread

show business noun

The entertainment business, incl theatre, film and television (also (informal) showˈbiz or show biz)

showˈbiz or showˈbizzy adjective (informal)

Of, relating to or typical of the entertainment business

show card noun

  1. A shopkeeper's advertising card
  2. A card of patterns
  3. A show bill

showˈcase noun

  1. A glass display case for a museum, shop, etc
  2. Any setting in which something or someone can be displayed to advantage (also adjective)

transitive verb

To display, exhibit

showˈdown noun

  1. In poker, the exposure of players' cards face up on the table at the end of a game
  2. The name of a card game similar to poker
  3. An open disclosure of plans, means, etc
  4. A confrontation or clash by which a contested issue, argument, etc may be finally settled

showˈgirl noun

A girl who takes part in variety entertainments usu as a dancer or singer

showˈground noun

A plot of land on which an outdoor show is held

show home or show house noun

A decorated and furnished house shown to prospective buyers as an example of the type of house available on a new or incomplete housing estate

showˈjump intransitive verb

showˈjumper noun

A horse or rider in a showjumping competition

showˈjumping noun

A competition in which a succession of riders on horseback have to jump a series of obstacles of different kinds (also adjective)

showˈman noun

  1. A person who exhibits, or owns, a show
  2. A person who is skilled at public display and self-advertisement

showˈmanly adjective

showˈmanship noun

Skilful display, or a talent for it

showˈ-off noun

A person who behaves in an ostentatious manner in an effort to win admiration or public attention

show of hands noun

A vote indicated by raising hands

showˈpiece noun

  1. Something considered an especially fine specimen of its type, etc
  2. An exhibit, something on display, etc

showˈplace noun

  1. A place visited or shown as a sight
  2. A place where shows are exhibited

show pony noun

  1. A pony trained to take part in competitions
  2. An ostentatious but ineffective performer (sl)

showˈroom noun

A room where goods or samples are displayed

show-stopper, show-stopping see stop the show below.

showˈtime noun

  1. The time when a performance is due to begin
  2. The time for decisive action (figurative)

show trial noun

A trial at which the opportunity to expose the accused to public opprobrium is given priority over the impartial prosecution of justice

showˈyard noun

A yard for cattle shows

for show

  1. For the sake of outward appearances
  2. To attract notice

give the show away

To let out a secret

good (or bad) show

  1. Well (or not well) done
  2. Fortunate (or unfortunate) occurrence or circumstances

run the show (informal)

  1. To take or be in charge
  2. To take over, dominate

show a leg (informal)

To get out of bed

show fight

To show a readiness to resist

show forth

To manifest, proclaim

show off

  1. To display or behave ostentatiously
  2. To display to good effect

show up

  1. To expose
  2. To appear to advantage or disadvantage
  3. To show (esp faults) clearly by contrast
  4. To embarrass, put to shame (informal)
  5. To be present
  6. To appear, arrive (informal)
  7. To lodge, hand in, as a school exercise

steal the show

  1. To win the most applause
  2. To attract the most publicity or admiration

stop the show

  1. To be applauded with so much enthusiasm as to interrupt the show, play, etc (hence showˈ-stopper noun the act, line, etc, so applauded; showˈ-stopping adjective generating so much applause as to interrupt the show, etc)
  2. To have a sensational effect





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