

单词 spontaneous combustion

combust /kom-bustˈ/

transitive verb and intransitive verb

To burn up


In conjunction with the sun, or apparently very near it, so as to be obscured by its light, said of a planet when it is not more than 81/2º from the sun

ORIGIN: L combūrere, combūstum to consume, from com-, intens, and ūrere to burn

combustibilˈity noun

combustˈible adjective

  1. Liable to catch fire and burn
  2. Excitable

Something that will catch fire and burn

combustˈibleness noun

The quality of being combustible

combustˈion /-yən/ noun

  1. Burning
  2. The action of fire on combustible substances
  3. Oxidation or similar process with production of heat

combustˈious adjective (Shakespeare)

  1. Combustible, inflammable
  2. Turbulent

combustˈive adjective

Capable of catching fire

combustˈor noun

  1. The system in a jet engine or gas turbine in which combustion takes place
  2. A combustion chamber

combustion chamber noun

  1. In a boiler furnace, the space in which combustion of gaseous products from the fuel takes place
  2. In an internal-combustion engine, the space above the piston in which combustion occurs (motoring)

spontaneous combustion

Burning caused by heat generated in the substance or body itself

spontaneous /spon-tāˈnyəs or -ni-əs/

  1. Of one's free will
  2. Acting by its own impulse or natural law
  3. Produced of itself
  4. Impulsive
  5. Unpremeditated
ORIGIN: L spontāneus, from sponte of one's own accord

spontaneity /-tə-nēˈi-ti or -nāˈi-ti/ noun

spontāˈneously adverb

spontāˈneousness noun

spontaneous abortion noun


spontaneous behaviour noun (behaviourism)

Behaviour occurring in the apparent absence of any stimuli

spontaneous combustion noun

Catching fire by causes at work within, esp slow oxidation of a mass of matter

spontaneous generation noun

The supposed production of living organisms from non-living matter

spontaneous remission noun

Recovery without treatment





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