

单词 barring-out

bar1 /bär/

  1. A rod, strip or oblong block of any solid substance
  2. Formerly, any of various standards of weight or value
  3. A pound, sovereign (esp half a bar ten shillings or fifty pence) (obs sl)
  4. A strong rod or long piece used as a lever, door fastening, barrier, part of a gate or grate, etc
  5. A crossbar
  6. A bolt
  7. A barrier
  8. An obstruction or impediment
  9. That which completely puts an end to an action or claim
  10. In salary statements, a level beyond which one cannot rise unless certain conditions, concerning eg the amount of advanced work one does, are met
  11. A bank or shoal as at the mouth of a river or harbour
  12. A counter across which liquor or food is served
  13. (one room in) a public house
  14. A counter at which one particular article of food, clothing, etc, is sold, or one particular service is given
  15. A rail or similar structure marking off a space, as in a house of parliament, or that at which prisoners are arraigned in court
  16. (usu with cap) barristers or advocates collectively, or (loosely) the legal profession
  17. A court
  18. An authority appealed to
  19. A ballet-dancer's exercise rail (usu barre)
  20. An addition to a medal, a strip of metal below the clasp, showing that it has been won twice
  21. A ridge between a horse's teeth
  22. A stripe, esp transverse
  23. A heating element in an electric fire
  24. A horizontal band across a shield (heraldry)
  25. A rhythmic unit in music, consisting of a certain number of beats in either simple or compound time, marked by the time signature
  26. A bar line (music) (see also double bar under double)
  27. (in pl) the game of (prisoners'-)base (but see base1)
transitive verb (barrˈing; barred)
  1. To fasten, secure, shut (out or in), furnish or mark with a bar or bars
  2. To hinder
  3. To obstruct
  4. To exclude the possibility or validity of
  5. To preclude
  6. To divide into bars

Except, but for

ORIGIN: OFr barre, from LL barra

barˈful (Shakespeare barreˈfull) adjective

Full of obstructions

barrˈing noun

The action of the verb

  1. Except for
  2. Leaving out of consideration

barˈbell noun

A bar weighted at the ends for weightlifting exercises

bar billiards singular noun

A small-scale version of billiards played in bars

bar chart or bar graph noun

A graph showing comparative quantities by means of rectangular blocks of varying proportional height

barˈcode noun

An arrangement, readable by computer, of thick and thin parallel lines, eg printed on, and giving coded details of, goods at a point of sale, library books, etc

barˈcoded adjective

barcode reader or barcode scanner noun

An optical device which can read barcode data and translate them into digital signals for processing

Bar Council noun

The governing professional body of English barristers

barˈfly noun (old inf)

A drinker who spends his or her time in bars

barfly jumping noun

The sport of jumping onto a Velcro-covered wall and sticking there

bar graph see bar chart above.

barˈ-iron noun

Iron in malleable bars

barˈkeep noun (US)

A person who serves drinks at a bar

barˈkeeper noun

The keeper of a refreshment bar or toll-bar

bar line noun (music)

A vertical line across the staff between each bar

bar lunch or bar meal noun

A light meal or snack available in a bar

bar magnet noun

A permanent magnet in the form of a straight bar

barˈmaid, barˈman or barˈperson noun

A woman, man or person who serves at a bar in a public house, etc

barˈ-parlour noun

A small room adjoining a bar in a public house

barred code noun (telecommunications)

Any dialled code that automatic exchange apparatus is primed to reject by connecting the caller no further than the number unobtainable tone

barring-outˈ noun (obsolete)

The shutting out of a schoolmaster from school by the pupils, to enforce demands

barˈ-room noun (chiefly US)

A room in which there is a bar, taproom (also adjective)

bar-sinˈister see baton-sinister under baton

bar slide noun

A bar-shaped hair ornament

bar stool noun

A high stool suitable for sitting at a bar

bar supper noun

A bar meal available in the evening

bar tack noun

A straight stitch made at right angles to a buttonhole or other weak spot to strengthen it

barˈtender noun

A barman or barmaid

barˈwood noun

A red dyewood imported in bars from Africa

at the bar

  1. In court
  2. In practice as a barrister or advocate

bar none (informal)

With no exceptions

behind bars

In prison

called to the bar

Admitted as barrister or advocate

called within the bar

Made Queen's (or King's) Counsel in the UK





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