

单词 SAW



Surface acoustic wave

saw1 /sö/ pat of see1

saw2 /sö/


Any of numerous cutting tools with a toothed blade, hand-operated or power-driven, used esp for cutting wood

transitive verb (pat sawed; pap sawed or (usu) sawn)
  1. To cut with, or as with, or as, a saw
  2. To play harshly or crudely (as a violinist)
intransitive verb
  1. To use a saw
  2. To make to and fro movements, as if with a saw
ORIGIN: OE saga; Ger Säge

sawed adjective

sawˈer noun (rare)

sawˈing noun and adjective

sawˈlike adjective

sawn adjective

sawˈyer noun

  1. A person who makes a living by sawing timber
  2. A stranded tree that bobs in a river (N American)

sawˈbill noun

  1. A merganser
  2. A motmot
  3. Any of various hummingbirds with serrated bills

sawˈblade noun

sawˈbones singular noun (slang)

A surgeon or doctor

sawˈbuck noun (N American)

  1. A sawhorse
  2. A ten-dollar bill (slang)

saw doctor noun

A person who sharpens sawblades

sawˈdust noun

Dust or small particles of wood, etc detached in sawing

transitive verb

To sprinkle with sawdust

sawˈdusty adjective

sawˈ-edge noun

sawˈ-edged adjective


sawˈfish noun

A sharklike ray (genus Pristis) with a long, flattened, serrated jaw

sawˈfly noun

A hymenopterous insect of various kinds with a sawlike ovipositor

saw frame noun

The frame in which a saw is set

saw gate or saw kerf noun

The gap made by a saw

sawˈgrass noun

A sedge (Cladium jamaicense) with serrated leaves, growing in coastal areas of SE USA

sawˈhorse noun

  1. A trestle for supporting wood that is being sawn
  2. A straight-line diagram showing the three-dimensional structure of a molecule

sawˈmill noun

A factory in which timber is cut into planks, etc

sawnˈ-off adjective

  1. (also sawedˈ-off) shortened by cutting with a saw
  2. Short in stature (informal)


A sawn-off shotgun

saw palmetto noun

A small prickly N American palm tree whose berries are used as an aphrodisiac and to treat disorders of the prostate

sawˈpit noun

A pit in which one sawyer stands while another stands above

saw set noun

An instrument for turning sawteeth to right and left

sawˈshark noun

A shark (genus Pristiophorus) with a long flattened serrated jaw

sawˈ-tones plural noun

Harsh notes

sawˈtooth noun and adjective

sawˈ-toothed adjective

Serrated, like the edge of a sawblade

sawˈ-wort noun

A name for various composite plants with serrate leaves, eg Serratula tinctoria

saw3 /sö/

  1. A saying
  2. A proverb
  3. A decree (Spenser)
ORIGIN: OE sagu, from the root of secgan to say, tell

see1 /sē/

transitive verb (pat saw (also non-standard or dialect see, seed and seen); pap seen)
  1. To perceive by means of the eye
  2. To perceive mentally
  3. To apprehend
  4. To recognize
  5. To realize
  6. To understand
  7. To learn
  8. To be aware by reading
  9. To look at
  10. To judge, to deem
  11. (with in) to find attractive about
  12. To refer to
  13. To ascertain
  14. To regard as likely, or possible
  15. To make sure of having
  16. To wait upon, escort
  17. To spend time with, or meet with regularly, esp romantically
  18. To call on
  19. To receive as a visitor
  20. To meet
  21. To consult
  22. To experience
  23. To witness
  24. To meet and accept (another's bet) by staking a similar sum
  25. To spend on seeing (obsolete; with away)
  26. (as imperative, in prefatory reference to a person or thing to be commented on) consider as an example, take, as in See my brother, he's a great worker (informal, esp Scot)
intransitive verb
  1. To have power of vision
  2. To see things well enough
  3. To look or inquire
  4. To be attentive
  5. To understand or realize
  6. To await further developments, to postpone any decision until more thought has been given to the matter
  7. To consider
interjection (or imperative)

Look, behold


An act of seeing, a look

ORIGIN: OE sēon; Ger sehen, Du zien

seeˈable adjective

seeˈing noun

  1. Sight
  2. Vision
  3. Clear-sightedness
  4. Atmospheric conditions for good observation (astronomy)
  1. Having sight, or insight
  2. Observant
  3. Discerning
  1. (also seeing that) since
  2. In view of the fact that

seer /sēˈər/ noun

  1. A person who sees
  2. /sēr/ a person who sees into the future

seerˈess noun

A female seer

seeing stone noun

A scrying crystal

seeˈ-through adjective

(esp of fabrics) transparent

as far as I can see

To the best of my understanding

have seen better days or one's best days

To be now on the decline

let me see

A phrase employed to express reflection

see about

  1. To consider
  2. To do whatever is to be done about
  3. To attend to

see fit

To think it appropriate (to)

see in

To witness, greet, or celebrate the arrival of

see off

  1. To accompany (someone) at their departure
  2. To reprimand (slang)
  3. To get rid of (informal)

see one's way clear to (informal)

To feel that one will be able to

see out

  1. To conduct to the door
  2. To see to the end
  3. To outlast

see over or round

To look or be conducted all through (eg premises, property)

see red see under red1

see someone right (informal)

To take care of someone, usu in the sense of giving them a tip or reward

see the back of

To be rid of or finished with (someone or something unpleasant, difficult, etc)

see the light

  1. To experience a religious conversion
  2. To come round to another's way of thinking, to come to understand and agree with someone (usu facetious)

see things see under thing

see through

  1. To participate in to the end
  2. To back up until difficulties end
  3. To understand the true nature of, esp when faults or bad intentions are concealed by a good appearance

see to

  1. To look after
  2. To make sure about

see what one can do

To do what one can

see you (later) or be seeing you (informal)

Goodbye for now

well (or ill) seen

Well (or ill) versed





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