

单词 sarcomeres

sarco- /sär-kō-, -kə- or -ko-/ or before a vowel sarc- /särk-/

combining form

Denoting flesh or fleshy tissue

ORIGIN: Gr sarx, sarkos flesh

sarˈcocarp noun (Gr karpos fruit; botany)

The fleshy pericarp of a stone fruit

sarcocystis /-sisˈtis/ noun

(Gr kystis a bladder) a sporozoan of the genus Sarcocystis, parasitic in muscles of mammals

sarcolemma /-lemˈə/ noun

(Gr lemma husk) the cell membrane enclosing a muscle fibre

sarcolemmˈal adjective

sarcolˈogy noun

(see -logy) the anatomy of the fleshy parts of the body

sarˈcomere /-mēr/ noun

(Gr meros part) a unit of myofibril in muscle

sarcopēˈnia n

(Gr penia poverty) loss of muscle strength associated with aging

sarˈcoplasm noun

The protoplasmic substance separating the fibrils in muscle fibres

sarcoplasˈmic adjective

Sarcoptes /-kopˈtēz/ noun

(irreg, from Gr koptein to cut) a genus of small mites including Sarcoptes scabiei, the human itch mite

sarcopˈtic adjective

sarcosaprophagous /-sap-rofˈə-gəs/ adjective

(Gr sapros rotten, and see -phagous under phag-) feeding on decaying flesh

sarcous /särˈkəs/ adjective

Of flesh or muscle





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