

单词 Shavuot

Pentecost /penˈti-kost/

  1. A Jewish festival held on the fiftieth day after the Passover (also called the Feast of Weeks, and Shabuoth or Shavuot)
  2. The Christian festival of Whitsuntide, seven weeks after Easter
ORIGIN: Gr pentēkostē (hēmerā), fiftieth (day)

Pentecostˈal adjective

  1. Of or relating to Pentecost
  2. Of or relating to any of several fundamentalist Christian groups placing great emphasis on the spiritual powers of the Holy Spirit
  1. A Pentecostalist
  2. (in pl) offerings formerly made to the parish priest at Whitsuntide

Pentecostˈalist noun

A member of a Pentecostal church

Shabuoth, Shavuoth /sha-vūˈoth or -ot/, Shavuot /-ot/ or Shevuoth /shevˈū-oth/


The Jewish Feast of Weeks, celebrated on the 50th day after Passover, orig marking the end of harvest, now generally taken as a commemoration of the giving of the Law to Moses (also called Pentecost)

ORIGIN: Heb shabuot(h) weeks

week /wēk/

  1. The space of seven days, esp from Sunday to Saturday (inclusive)
  2. The working days of the week
  3. (in pl) an indefinitely long period
ORIGIN: OE wice; Du week, Ger Woche

weekˈly adjective

Coming, happening or done once a week

  1. Once a week
  2. Every week

A publication appearing once a week

weekˈday noun

Any day of the week except Sunday, and now usu also excluding Saturday

weekˈend (or /-endˈ/) noun

The non-working period from Friday evening to Sunday evening (a long weekend usu incorporating Friday or Monday or both, or yet more liberally extended)

intransitive verb

To spend a weekend holiday

weekendˈer noun

weekendˈing noun

weekend warrior noun

  1. A member of a reserve force (milit sl)
  2. Someone who is only intermittently active in a sport or pastime (facetious)

weekˈnight noun

The evening or night of a weekday

a prophetic week (Bible)

Seven years

a week of Sundays (informal)

  1. Seven weeks
  2. A long time

a week on Friday, Saturday, etc

The Friday, Saturday, etc after the next one

a week (or two weeks, etc) today

One week (or two weeks, etc) from today

Feast of Weeks

A Jewish festival seven weeks after the Passover (also Shabuoth, Shavuot or Pentecost)

Great Week, Holy Week or Passion Week

The week preceding Easter Sunday

in by the week (obsolete)

Trapped, caught

this day week

A week from today

week about

In alternate periods of seven days

week in, week out

Continuously without a break





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