

单词 set one's heart on

heart /härt/

  1. The organ that circulates the blood through the body
  2. The stomach (obsolete)
  3. The innermost part
  4. The core
  5. The chief or vital part
  6. The breast, bosom
  7. The (imagined) place of origin of the affections, understanding, and thought, as opposed to the head, the seat of reason
  8. Courage
  9. Innermost feelings or convictions
  10. Vigour, spirit
  11. Cordiality
  12. Compassion
  13. A term of endearment or encouragement
  14. A heart-shaped figure or object
  15. A playing card with heart-shaped pips
  16. The centre of cabbage, lettuce, etc
  17. A diseased state of the heart
  18. (in pl) a card game in which the object is to avoid taking tricks containing hearts or the queen of spades
transitive verb
  1. To hearten (archaic)
  2. To fill up a centre space with rubble (building)
  3. To love (informal)
intransitive verb

(of a lettuce) to form a compact head or inner mass

ORIGIN: OE heorte; cf Du hart, Ger Herz; L cor, cordis; Gr kardiā

heartˈed adjective

  1. Used in combination to signify having a heart, esp of a specified kind (eg hard-hearted, etc)
  2. Seated or fixed in the heart, stored up in the heart

heartˈen transitive verb

  1. To encourage, stimulate
  2. To add strength to
  3. To give courage to
intransitive verb

To take courage

heartˈening adjective

heartˈikin noun (obsolete)

A little heart (used euphemistically in an old oath)

heartˈily adverb

  1. Lustily, vigorously
  2. Completely (sick, tired, etc)

heartˈiness noun

heartˈless adjective

  1. Without heart, courage, consideration or feeling
  2. Callous

heartˈlessly adverb

heartˈlessness noun

heartˈlet noun

A little heart, a nucleus

heartˈling noun (Shakespeare)

Little heart, used euphemistically in the oath ods heartlings, God's heart

heartˈly or (Spenser) harteˈly adverb


heartˈsome adjective

  1. Exhilarating
  2. Merry

heartˈy adjective

  1. Full of heart
  2. Heartfelt
  3. Sincere
  4. Cordial
  5. Robust
  6. Lusty
  7. Enthusiastic
  8. Unrestrained
  9. In or indicating good spirits, appetite or condition
  10. (of a meal) substantial
  11. Sound
  12. In good heart
  1. A hearty person, esp one who goes in for sports, outdoor pursuits, etc, distinguished from an aesthete
  2. (in pl) an old form of address to fellow sailors

hartˈie-hale adjective (Spenser)

Good for the heart, healthy

heartˈache noun

  1. Sorrow
  2. Anguish

heart attack noun

An occurrence of coronary thrombosis, with the death of part of the heart muscle, or some other sudden malfunction of the heart

heartˈbeat noun

  1. A pulsation of the heart
  2. A throb
  3. An animating force

heart block noun

A condition in which the ventricle does not keep time with the atrium

heartˈ-blood or heart'sˈ-blood noun

  1. Blood of the heart
  2. Life, essence

heartˈ-bond noun

(in masonry) a bond in which two headers meet in the middle of a wall and one header overlaps them

heartˈbreak noun

A crushing sorrow or grief

transitive verb (Burns)

To break the heart of

heartˈbreaker noun

  1. A fickle or unfaithful lover
  2. A flirt
  3. A curl, lovelock

heartˈbreaking adjective

heartˈbroken adjective

heartˈburn noun

A burning, acid feeling in the throat or breast, severe indigestion, cardialgia

heartˈburning noun

  1. Discontent
  2. Secret grudging

heart cam noun

A heart-shaped cam in a stopwatch, etc

heart cockle or heart shell noun

A mollusc (genus Isocardia) or its shell, like a cockle coiled at the bosses

heartˈ-dear adjective (Shakespeare)

Dear to the heart, sincerely beloved

heart disease noun

Any morbid condition of the heart

heartˈ-easing adjective

Bringing peace of mind

heart failure noun

  1. Stoppage or inadequate functioning of the heart
  2. Shock producing faintness

heartˈfelt adjective

  1. Felt deeply
  2. Sincere

heartˈ-free adjective

Having the affections disengaged

heartˈ-grief noun

Deep-seated affliction

heart-heavˈiness noun

Depression of spirits

heartˈland noun

An area of a country that is centrally situated and/or vitally important

heart-lung machine noun

A machine used in chest surgery to take over for a time the functions of the heart and lungs

heart murmur noun

An abnormal sound from the heart indicating a structural or functional abnormality

heart of oak noun

  1. Heartwood of the oak tree
  2. A brave, resolute person

heart of palm noun

The leaf bud of the cabbage palm eaten as a vegetable

heartpea see heartseed below.

heartˈ-quake noun

Trembling, fear

heartˈ-rending adjective


heartˈ-rot noun

Decay in the hearts of trees, caused by various fungi

heart's-blood see heart-blood above.

heartˈ-searching noun

Examination of one's deepest feelings

heart'sˈ-ease or heartsˈease noun

The pansy

heartˈseed or heartˈpea noun

The balloon-vine, from the heart-shaped scar left by the seed

heartˈ-service noun

Sincere devotion, opp to eye-service

heartˈ-shaped adjective

Shaped like the conventional representation of the human heart

heart shell see heart cockle above.

heartˈsick adjective

  1. Despondent
  2. Greatly depressed

heartˈsickness noun

heartˈsink noun (med inf)

A person who causes medical practitioners to become exasperated because he or she makes repeated requests for medical attention, but is not able to be treated effectively (also adjective)

heartˈ-sore adjective

  1. Sore at heart
  2. Greatly distressed, very sad
  3. Caused by soreness of heart (Shakespeare)


  1. Grief
  2. A cause of grief (Spenser)

heartˈ-spoon noun (dialect)

  1. The depression in the breastbone
  2. The breastbone
  3. The pit of the stomach

heartˈ-stirring adjective

  1. Rousing
  2. Exhilarating

heartˈ-strike transitive verb (pap heartˈ-stricken or heartˈ-struck (obsolete heart'-strook)) (archaic)

  1. To strike to the heart
  2. To dismay
  3. To drive into the heart

heartˈ-string noun

  1. Orig a nerve or tendon imagined to brace and sustain the heart
  2. (in pl) affections

heartˈ-throb noun

  1. A sentimental emotion for a person of the opposite sex (informal)
  2. A person who is the object of great romantic affection from afar (informal)

heartˈ-to-heartˈ adjective

Candid, intimate and unreserved


A conversation of this sort

heart urchin noun

A sea urchin of the order Spatangoidea, typically heart-shaped

heartˈwarming adjective

  1. Emotionally moving
  2. Very gratifying, pleasing

heartˈwater noun

A fatal tick-borne viral disease of cattle, sheep and goats, with accumulation of fluid in the pericardium and pleural cavity

heartˈ-whole adjective

  1. Whole at heart
  2. Sincere
  3. With affections disengaged
  4. Undismayed
  5. Out-and-out

heartˈwood noun

The duramen or hard inner wood of a tree

after one's own heart

Exactly to one's own liking

at heart

  1. In one's real character
  2. Substantially

break one's heart

To die of, or be broken down by, grief or disappointment

break someone's heart

  1. To cause deep grief to someone
  2. (loosely) to disappoint someone romantically

by heart

  1. By rote
  2. In the memory

change of heart see under change

close to one's heart

Being the object of one's warm interest, concern or liking

cross one's heart

An expression used to emphasize the truth of a statement (often literally, by making the sign of the cross over one's heart)

cry one's heart out see under cry

dear to one's heart same as close to one's heart (see above).

eat one's heart out see under eat

find it in one's heart

To be able to bring oneself

from the bottom of one's heart

Most sincerely

have a heart

(usu in imperative) to show pity or kindness

have at heart

To cherish as a matter of deep interest

have one's heart in it

(often in neg) to have enthusiasm for what one is doing

have one's heart in one's boots

To feel a sinking of the spirit

have one's heart in one's mouth

To be in trepidation, great fear or anxiety

have one's heart in the right place

To be basically decent or generous

have one's heart set on

To desire earnestly

have the heart

(usu in neg) to have the courage or resolution (to do something unpleasant)

heart and hand or heart and soul

  1. With complete sincerity
  2. With complete devotion to a cause

heart of hearts

  1. The inmost feelings or convictions
  2. Deepest affections

in a heartbeat

Immediately, without hesitation

in good heart

  1. In sound or fertile condition
  2. In good spirits or courage

lay or take to heart

  1. To store up in the mind for future guidance
  2. To be deeply moved by something

lose heart

To become discouraged

lose one's heart to

To fall in love with

near to one's heart same as close to one's heart (see above).

set one's heart on or upon

To come to desire earnestly

set someone's heart at rest

To render someone easy in mind, to reassure someone

speak to the heart (Bible)

To comfort, encourage

take heart

To be encouraged

take heart of grace see under grace

take to heart

  1. To lay to heart
  2. To come to feel in earnest

take to one's heart

To form an affection for

to one's heart's content

As much as one wishes

wear one's heart on one's sleeve

To show one's deepest feelings openly

with all one's heart

Most willingly or sincerely

set /set/

transitive verb (settˈing; set)
  1. To put, place, or fix in position or required condition
  2. To dispose, array, arrange
  3. To restore (a broken bone) to its normal alignment
  4. To apply
  5. To cause to be
  6. To plant
  7. To stake
  8. To embed
  9. To frame
  10. To mount
  11. To beset or bestow about
  12. To stud, dot, sprinkle, variegate
  13. To put in type (printing)
  14. To compose (type)
  15. To form or represent, eg in jewels
  16. To adjust to show the correct (or a specified) time, etc
  17. To spread, lay, cover (a table) with the food, dishes, etc for a meal, or (Scot and dialect) to cover the table with the food, dishes, etc for (a meal)
  18. To regulate
  19. To appoint
  20. To ordain
  21. To assign
  22. To prescribe
  23. To propound
  24. To put on a course, start off
  25. To incite, direct
  26. To put in opposition
  27. To posit
  28. To cause to become solid, coagulated, rigid, fixed, or motionless
  29. To begin to form (eg a fruit or seed)
  30. To rate, value
  31. To pitch (eg a tune)
  32. To compose or fit music to
  33. To position (sails) to catch the wind
  34. To arrange (hair) in a particular style when wet, so that it will remain in it when dry
  35. To seat (obsolete and dialect)
  36. To put (a hen) on eggs
  37. To put (eggs) under a hen
  38. (of a gundog) to indicate by crouching
  39. To sharpen (eg a razor)
  40. To defeat (one's opponent's contract) usu by a stated number of tricks (bridge)
  41. To escort (Scot and N Eng dialect)
  42. To lease or let to a tenant (esp Scot)
  43. To become, befit (chiefly Scot)
  44. Conversely, to appear to advantage in (Scot)
intransitive verb
  1. To go down towards or below the horizon, to decline
  2. To offer a stake
  3. To become rigid, fixed, hard, solid, or permanent
  4. To coagulate
  5. (of a broken bone) to knit
  6. To settle down
  7. (of eg bone) to begin to develop
  8. To have, take or start along a course or direction
  9. To dance in a facing position
  10. To acquire a set or bend
  11. (of dogs) to point out game
  12. To apply or betake oneself
  13. To hang in position
  14. To be in session
  15. To sit (now obsolete or dialect)
  1. In any of the senses of the participle
  2. Prescribed
  3. Deliberate, intentional
  4. Prearranged
  5. Formal
  6. Settled
  7. Fixed
  8. Rigid
  9. Determined
  10. Regular
  11. Established
  12. Ready
  1. A group of persons or things, esp of a type that associate, occur, or are used together or have something in common
  2. A clique, coterie, exclusive group
  3. A complete series, collection, or complement
  4. A company performing a dance
  5. A series of dance movements or figures
  6. A complete apparatus, esp for receiving radio or television signals
  7. An act, process, mode, or time of setting
  8. A setting
  9. An inclination
  10. A direction
  11. The scenery, properties, etc set up for a scene (theatre, etc)
  12. The place where filming takes place (cinematography)
  13. Any collection of objects, called ‘elements’, defined by specifying the elements (mathematics)
  14. The basic haploid complement of chromosomes (biology)
  15. Habitual or temporary form, posture, carriage, position, or tendency
  16. The items performed by a singer or band at a concert
  17. A series of games, the winner being the first side to win at least six games and at least two games more than the opponent, usu with a tie-break played to decide the winner if the score reaches six games all (tennis)
  18. A shot sending the cue ball against an object ball, with the aim of causing a third ball that is touching the object ball to be propelled towards a pocket (snooker)
  19. A set hairstyle
  20. The hang of a garment
  21. A young cutting, bulb or tuber, for planting
  22. A gun dog's indication of game
  23. Bodily build (now dialect)
  24. Permanent effect of strain
  25. The constitution of a burgh
  26. (for the following senses, set or sett): the number of a weaver's reed, determining the number of threads to the inch
  27. The texture resulting
  28. A square or a pattern of tartan
  29. A paving-block of stone or wood
  30. A tool for setting in various senses
  31. A badger's burrow
  32. A lease or letting (Scot)
  33. A mining lease or area worked (Cornwall, etc)
  34. A place with fixed fishing-nets
ORIGIN: OE settan; cognate with Ger setzen, ON setja, Gothic satjan; settan is the weak causative of sittan to sit; the noun is from the verb, but may be partly from OE set seat, partly from OFr sette, from L secta sect

setˈness noun

settˈer noun

  1. Someone who or something that sets
  2. A dog that sets
  3. A dog of a breed derived from the spaniel and (probably) pointer
  4. A person who finds victims for thieves, etc
  5. A spy

settˈing noun

  1. The act of someone who sets
  2. The direction of current
  3. Fixation
  4. Surroundings
  5. Environment
  6. The scenery and props used in a single scene of a play, film, etc
  7. A level of power, volume, etc, to which a machine or other device can be set
  8. Mounting of jewellery
  9. The period of time in which a play, novel, etc, is set
  10. A set of cutlery, crockery and glassware laid out for use by one person
  11. Adaptation to music
  12. Music composed for a song, poem, etc
  13. A system of dividing pupils in mixed-ability classes into ability groups for certain subjects only
  14. The period of play after a game has been set (to two, three or five) (badminton)

setˈ-aside noun

(also land set-aside) the practice or policy of taking agricultural land out of production (set-aside scheme specif that introduced to reduce EU grain surpluses, with compensatory payments to farmers)

setˈback noun

  1. A check, reverse, or relapse
  2. A disappointment or misfortune
  3. A receding section in the upper part of a tall building

set dancing noun

A traditional form of Irish dancing, usu involving a group of four couples in a square formation

setˈ-down noun

  1. A rebuff or snub
  2. A scolding

setˈline noun

Any of various kinds of fishing-line suspended between buoys, etc, and having shorter baited lines attached to it

set menu noun

A complete meal with limited options offered by a restaurant at a fixed price

setˈ-off noun

  1. A claim set against another
  2. A crossclaim which partly offsets the original claim
  3. A counterbalance
  4. An ornament
  5. A contrast, foil
  6. A setting forth
  7. An offset (architecture and printing)

setˈ-out noun

  1. An outfit
  2. Preparations
  3. A display of dishes, dress, etc
  4. Company or clique

set piece noun

  1. A piece of theatrical scenery with a supporting framework, distinguished from a side-scene or drop-scene
  2. An elaborately arranged display in fireworks
  3. A painstakingly prepared performance
  4. (a carefully planned and executed piece of team-work at) a corner or free kick (football, etc)

setˈ-piece adjective

set point noun (tennis, etc)

A point which wins a set

set pot noun

A fixed boiler or copper

setˈscrew noun

A screw used to prevent relative motion by exerting pressure with its point

set speech noun

A studied oration

set square noun

A right-angled triangular drawing instrument

setˈ-stitch'd adjective (Sterne)

Perh embroidered

setter-forthˈ noun

set terms plural noun

Deliberately chosen, usu outspoken language

setter-offˈ noun

setter-onˈ noun

setter-outˈ noun

setter-upˈ noun

set theory noun (mathematics)

The investigation of the properties of sets

setting lotion noun

A lotion containing gum or resin used to fix or set a hairstyle

set-toˈ noun (pl set-tosˈ or set-to'sˈ)

  1. A bout
  2. A fight or argument
  3. A fierce contest

setˈ-topˈ box noun

A device that allows a conventional television set to receive a digital signal

setˈ-up noun

  1. The arrangement, organization, configuration or structure of anything
  2. The place where an instrument for measuring, surveying, recording, etc is set up
  3. A situation, the outcome of which has been prearranged, eg one in which someone is made a victim (informal)
  4. A shot, forming part of a scene, consisting of part of the action, close-up or location, etc (film)
  5. Bodily carriage and physique. See also set up below

dead set

  1. Determined (on)
  2. Indisputable (Aust sl)

set about

  1. To begin, take in hand
  2. To attack
  3. To spread (rumours)

set against

  1. To assail
  2. To compare or balance

set (a game) to two, three or five (badminton)

To set, in the final stages of a game, a new deciding score of two, three, or five points

set alight, set light to, set fire to or set on fire

To cause to break into flame and burn

set apart

  1. To put aside, or out of consideration
  2. To separate, distinguish

set aside

  1. To put away or to one side
  2. To reject, annul
  3. To reserve, lay by
  4. To take (agricultural land) out of production, to leave fallow

set at naught see under naught

set back

  1. To check, delay, hinder, reverse
  2. To cost (in money; informal)
  3. To place at some distance behind
  4. To surprise, take aback

set by

  1. To lay up
  2. To put aside
  3. To value or esteem, to care (archaic)

set down

  1. To lay on the ground
  2. To put in writing, record
  3. To appoint a time for (Shakespeare)
  4. To judge, esteem, regard
  5. To snub
  6. To pitch, encamp (Shakespeare)
  7. To attribute, ascribe
  8. To lay down authoritatively
  9. To stop and allow (passengers) to alight from a taxi, bus, car, etc

set eyes on

To see, catch sight of

set fair

  1. (of weather) steadily fair
  2. (of future prospects, outlook, etc) settled and secure
  3. Likely, to all appearances (to do the desired thing)

set fire to see set alight above.

set forth

  1. To exhibit, display
  2. To state, expound, declare
  3. To praise, recommend
  4. To publish
  5. To start on a journey

set free

To release, liberate

set going

To put in motion

set hand to

To set to work on

set in

  1. To begin
  2. To become prevalent or established
  3. (of wind, etc) to run landwards (nautical)

set in hand

  1. To undertake
  2. To set someone about doing

set little, much, etc, by

To regard or value little, much, etc

set off

  1. To start off
  2. To send off
  3. To show in relief or to advantage
  4. To counterbalance
  5. To make an offset, mark an opposite page
  6. To mark off, lay off

set on

  1. To attack or incite to attack
  2. To instigate
  3. Bent or determined upon

set oneself

To bend one's energies

set oneself against

To oppose

set one's face against see under face

set one's hand to

  1. To start work on, set about
  2. To sign

set one's heart on see under heart

set one's teeth

To clench the teeth, as in strong resolution

set on fire see set alight above.

set on foot

To set going, to start

set out

  1. To start, go forth
  2. To display
  3. To begin with an intention
  4. To expound
  5. To mark off
  6. To adorn
  7. To equip and send forth

set sail see under sail1

set to

  1. To affix
  2. To apply oneself
  3. To set (eg a bone) (Shakespeare)

set up

  1. To erect
  2. To put up
  3. To exalt, raise up (set you, him etc up (Scot; ironic) what a cheek you've, he's, etc got!)
  4. To arrange
  5. To begin
  6. To enable to begin
  7. To place in view
  8. To put in type
  9. To begin a career, esp in one's own business
  10. To make pretensions
  11. To arrange matters so as to implicate, incriminate, embarrass or make a fool of (another person) (informal) (setˈ-up noun)

set upon

  1. To set on
  2. Determined on





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