

单词 résumé

resume /ri-zūmˈ or -zoomˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To take back
  2. To summarize, make a résumé of (archaic)
  3. To assume again
  4. To take up again
  5. To begin again
intransitive verb
  1. To take possession again
  2. To begin again in continuation
ORIGIN: L resūmere, -sūmptum, from re- and sūmere to take

resumˈable adjective

résumé /rā-zü-mā or rezˈū-mā/ noun (Fr pap)

  1. A summary
  2. /rezˈ/ a curriculum vitae (N American)

resumption /ri-zumpˈshən or -zumˈ/ noun

The act of resuming

resumptive /-zumpˈ or -zumˈ/ adjective

resumpˈtively adverb





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